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Updated by Rosemary Rice on Dec 17, 2013
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Ebook Marketing

Here is how to market your Ebook.

34 Strategic Ways You Can Use Pinterest to Market Your Book and Your Author Brand

Pinterest is exploding! And with it, so too are the opportunities for authors to expand their reach and increase their book promotion and brand awareness. Now the third largest social network, Pinterest acts as a virtual pin board that helps you organize and share things you find on the web.

2 Must-Dos to Make Your Book Marketing Infinitely Easier

Why is it that your book marketing is falling short? You're trying to implement as many of the tricks and tips that the 'experts' recommend, but few of your marketing tactics are gaining traction. Sure, you haven't tried EVERYTHING yet, but you've tried enough to move the needle at least a smidge, right?

Make a Book Trailer - FABULOSITY READS

You may remember that late last month I featured a chilling excerpt from Waking Up Dead on the blog for the release. I didn't have the author over then because I was saving her for something really great and today she is delivering on her promise to give me a special post.

How to Get Reviews by the Truckload on Amazon

by Penny Sansevieri These days, we hear a lot about book discovery. As more and more books hit the market, readers are deluged with choices and authors are struggling to get in front of new readers and even existing fans. Recently Bowker announced that the number of books published each day in the US is up to 3,500.

#076: An Interview with Gary Vaynerchuk [Podcast]

This Is Your Life Podcast This is something I have never done on my podcast-an interview. However, this opportunity was too good to pass up. image courtesy of Gary Vaynerchuk Recently, I had the chance to sit down with Gary Vaynerchuk, author of the new bestseller, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook .