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Updated by Emmaline Turner on Dec 17, 2013
4 items   2 followers   0 votes   3 views


10-minute legs, bums and tums home workout

Tone up, firm up and burn fat from your tummy, hips, thighs and bottom with this 10-minute legs, bums and tums (LBT) home workout. This LBT exercise routine counts towards your recommended weekly activity guidelines for strength. Find out more about physical activity guidelines for adults.

Bottoms Up: Five-Minute Booty Workout

Everyone is busy these days, but it's always possible to dedicate a little time toward a workout - even if it's only five minutes. If you have a few minutes to spare during your day, spend it tightening up your derriere! For a quick five-minute workout, move through each of these butt-toning exercises for one minute.


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Workout Wednesday: The Flat Belly Workout

It's summer time, which means we're all trying to achieve the infamous flat belly. It takes time and hard work, but the results are so worth it! We're currently loving this workout. It's a mix of cardio, strength training and of course some ab work! | GirlsGuideTo