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Updated by April Whitehead on Jun 19, 2014
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Tech Resources for Administrators

Blogs and Websites for School Administrators

Tech Tools

Scholastic Administrator's up-to-the-minute ticker for school district executive leaders eager to know about the latest technology products and services aimed at the education marketplace. Look here for hardware and software releases and updates, new pricing announcements, major customer agreements, and other news that affects district technology purchasing decisions.

21 Things for the 21st Century Administrator

The purpose of this resource is to provide "Just in Time" training through an online interface for K-12 administrators based on the National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators...

Tech Tools for Administrators - LiveBinder

Tech Tools for Administrators

Connected Principals

Sharing. Learning. Leading.

The 21st Century Principal

"Since the formation of the United States of America, there has been debate over the roles and purposes of education."


Turning the pages of the calendar from February to March means that we are moving closer to Spring! In school terms, this also means that we will only get busier between now and the end of the school year!

Paperless Principal Blog

Recently, we have been using the iPads as video recording devices. They work great. We even have some nice Makayama iPad cases that can go on Tripods. The problem we run into, however, is that the iPads take great video, in fact, it is too good.