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Updated by Garry Rogers on May 09, 2014
Garry Rogers Garry Rogers
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Anthropomorphic SciFi

Science Fiction and Other Suspect Ruminations

(Michael Booth's cover for the 1984 edition) 3.25/5 (Vaguely Good) Suppose that one day man landed on some distant planet. Why would he have come, what impulse would have driven him across the darkness and the light-years? Could he explain, and would he even try?

Chad Oliver Collection

Chad Oliver Collection Box 1 - Chad Oliver Science Fiction Collection O1-10 Chad Oliver Correspondence O1-10 Oliver, Chad to Vernon Hyles. November 17, 1981, re: Didn't He Ramble, The Best SF Stories and Novels, Best From F & SF, American Jazz. TLS, 2 leaves, carbon copies. O1-10 Oliver, Chad to Joe Lansdale.

The Sheep Look Up

The Sheep Look Up is a science fiction novel by British author John Brunner, first published in 1972. The novel's setting is decidedly dystopian; the book deals with the deterioration of the environment in the United States. It was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1972.

Garry Rogers Conservation and Science Fiction: #EcoSciFi

Over its forty million year history, the Tsaeb civilization has survived giant meteorites, massive volcanic eruptions, and militant expansions by rogue species. Now a new species is exploding across the planet. Fearing invasion from a nearby city, the council of the small Wycliff District asks a young Tsaeb warrior named Corr Syl to investigate and recommend a response.

GarryRogers Nature Conservation

Science fiction reports possibilities. The novel Corr Syl the Warrior introduces an Earth on which intelligence appeared long before humans. Corr Syl meets Allysen Olykden Corr had met Allysen Oly... See on This entry was posted in #EcoSciFi by Garry Rogers. Bookmark the permalink.

GarryRogers Nature Conservation

Science fiction reports possibilities. The novel Corr Syl the Warrior introduces an Earth on which intelligence appeared long before humans. Corr Syl, Alex Maypole, and Rock, Paper, Scissors The m... See on

GarryRogers Nature Conservation

Science fiction reports possibilities. The novel Corr Syl the Warrior introduces an Earth on which intelligence appeared long before humans. A Study Break. One morning as Corr sat at his table list... See on This entry was posted in #CorrSyl, #EcoSciFi, #TheTsaeb, EcoFiction, Middle Grade, Science Fiction, short stories, YA and tagged #CorrSyl, #EcoSciFi, Science Fiction by Garry Rogers.

Advocating Nature Conservation With Fiction

In Corr Syl the Warrior, I felt the communal sense of the animal kingdom from the up close observations of several other animal characters as Corr is introduced. In Garry's book, what stands out are the feelings his characters evoke through their thoughtful and sapient actions.

  • Dr. Garry Rogers advocates for wildlife and natural systems. He writes about nature and he writes science fiction adventures on an Earth where all animals are intelligent.

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