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Updated by Marla Kipson on Dec 14, 2013
Marla Kipson Marla Kipson
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Best Types Of Gerbil Food

Here are some of the best types of food for your gerbil.

Gerbil Care - AGS Gerbil Care Handbook

Gerbil Care Handbook Gerbil Care Housing: There are a number of good choices for your new gerbils home. The most popular for a pair is a ten-gallon aquarium, for a number of reasons. It is inexpensive, easy to clean, roomy, and allows for great creativity.

What is the best gerbil food in petstores?

I have gerbils and I am currently feeding them ecotrition, but they don't eat most of the pellets and what not. I was thinking about Mazuri but don't know much about it. Also i want something I could

Feeding Pet Gerbils

Types of Gerbil Diets Seed Mixes: These are loose mixes of seeds, sometimes with pellets or dried vegetables added. Most of these will be nutritionally balanced, but only if your gerbil eats everything in the mix.

Basic Gerbil Food Mixes

Fats, Proteins & Carbohydrates When gerbils are being kept as household pets we essentially replicate their wild diet by offering them a dried food mix, supplemented with a small amount of either fruit or vegetables. The dry feed can either be a homemade mix or a pre-packaged commercial mix sold from your local pet shop. - Everything about gerbils - Food - Care

Food Once in their home, your gerbils will need to eat something! The gerbil is a granivorous rodent and a little omnivorous too. This means that it will eat seeds but also fruits, vegetables and even insects. Basic information The feeding should contain at least 18% protein and less then 5% fat.

Gerbils by Leigh - Gerbil Feeding

Poor Quality Food Mixes Try to AVOID feeds which contain mainly corn, sunflower seeds, peanuts/nuts, processed pellets, and millet...