Listly by Hillel Fuld
Member of the charity: water team. Fledgling game designer. Engineer. Father. Superhuman ability to see through glass, gauze, and a cunning ruse.
Making something new at @TheSecretAgency. Started @Boxer, @Brizzly, @Google Reader & @Plinky. Ran @AIM & @Blogger. Married to @ashellen - we co-founded 2 boys.
Geeks, Entrepreneurs, Startups -- The Internet Revolution. Founding Partner & Sith Lord, @500Startups.
I switch phones more often than I change socks. Love my Lord, my wife, and three daughters. Work hard at a couple great jobs, love both and amazed by blessings.
Developer of outliners, rivers, blogging tools, RSS aggregators, podcasting. Boostrapped blogging at Latest:
Entrepreneur and Angel Investor. CEO, makers of
Andreessen Horowitz Partner (@a16z). Formerly CorpDev and Design at Twitter. Letterpress printer (@paperwheel). Ultramarathon runner.
Now: Fortune. Then: Reuters, New York Observer, Mediagazer, Techmeme,, Valleywag.
Internets. TVs. Swords. Lasers. Rotting, stinking zombie corpses. Puppies.
Creative Producer. Tea Addict. Exploring #Storytelling, #Imagination, and #Creativity.
@WordPress, @Automattic, @Akismet, @Polldaddy, @VaultPress, @Gravatar...
I'm the Mobile site editor at where I cover mobile technology, gadgets and the wireless industry. I also run; every day.
Type-A efficiency consultant. Rails/Apex dev. Edge case. Kale lover. Author, Business Efficiency for Dummies. Currently CTO of the VA.