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Updated by Jackson Middleton on Jul 23, 2020
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Because Money Episode 5 | Stories List

Here is a list of the stories up for discussion on the Because Money Podcast Episode 5 | The Fees Strike Back


InspectaCar Pitch on Dragons Den | CBC

Cody Paxman from Calgary, AB, and Sheldon Anderson from Raymond, AB, look for an investment in their car inspection service. Ask is $85k for 15% of the company

Nobel laureate: Everyone should have a financial adviser | Investor News

Robert Shiller gives his take on the future of advice; urges government help in paying for it

When to consider borrowing | Get Smarter About Money

Borrowing can be a good financial strategy if it helps you acquire something - like a house or education - that could add to your net worth. It can also help you acquire things like a car that you can't easily save for in a timely way, but consider the interest and only borrow what you can afford.

Bootstrapping Your Startup off a Credit Card is a BAD Idea | Hull Financial Planning

"Many have changed so much that they have lost the magic of the dream that carried them on their own bootstraps." -Peter Abrahams 31% of entrepreneurs should never have started their companies. Impatience, misinformation, and delusion overcame these founders and convinced them to run full steam ahead with a bad idea.

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