Listly by John Nash
Here is a list of questions, comments and suggestions for the UK College of Education Work Group 1 (Future of Teacher and Leader Education)
Your voice is crucial! Add to this list, and please contribute your vote to the items already here.
We have to advocate for our programs. We have to take advantage of opportunities to do this - NCUR Open House for example. University of Washington and University of Michigan are great examples - you go to their webpages and you see them promoting ALL their teacher ed programs.
Look at our programs currently - most do NOT need a major overhaul. They just need the continual tweaking that programs do annually.
How might we craft meaningful opportunities for staff or faculty to shadow peers in other departments and programs?
Starting inside the college, we need to Champion our programs. Administrators (inside and outside the college) need to listen to what our teacher educators are saying about what we do - what we do well, what we need to work on, what support we needed, etc.
Our programs are already highly selective - promote and rebrand our programs to highlight the unique aspects. Example: MIC has been MIC. Why not MIC Collaborative Clinical Teacher Leader Program? This better represents what the program is about.
Instead of doing activities on our lawn - go across the street the the "lawn" of Arts & Sciences. Set up a tent there to promote our programs - let's us talk to and attract students that are not already in our programs.
How might we test ways within our departments to foster greater involvement of teacher educators in policy making at all levels?
How might we create an individualized, personalized program for all teachers in training?
How might we adopt a standards-based approach to teacher preparation including peer review, feedback, observations, etc. (idea for a department or program to prototype).