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Updated by Ken Peterson on Mar 21, 2016
Ken Peterson Ken Peterson
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Web 2.0 - Curate / Pinterest

Leveraging Pinterest for administrators | eSchool News | eSchool News

Pinterest can be a valuable resource for school principals and administrators Pinterest, a social networking site in which users "pin" websites and resources to a virtual pinboard, has grown in popularity among the education community. While the site is especially popular with teachers, school administrators are also using the site with more frequency.

Houston Independent School District on Pinterest

Houston Independent School District | The Houston Independent School District (HISD) is the largest public school system in Texas and the seventh-largest in the United States.

The hottest education topics on Pinterest | eSchool News | eSchool News

The social media site Pinterest can and should be used as a classroom resource The social media site Pinterest is perhaps best known as a hub for swapping recipes, wedding planning tips, and "do-it-yourself" ideas. But as technological innovations and education intersect more and more, could Pinterest also be used as a classroom resource?

Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: 16 Ways Educators Use Pinterest

Pinterest is catching favor with many innovative educators and their students. This infographic from Online Universities shares some ways they're doing that. Are you using Pinterest? If so, share your ideas in the comments. From: Online Universities Blog


The concept being you create a virtual bulletin board of stuff you find interesting, including anything from photos to links. Pininterest has quickly made an impact in the social commerce arena. #SocialDesign #Pinterest #Startup #Visual #Curation

Pinterest Is Testing A New Q&A Feature, Pinterest Questions

It looks like Jelly and Quora are not the only startups that are interested in how asking - and answering - questions can be used as a way to advance conversations and user engagement on social networks. Pinterest has confirmed to us it is testing out a new Q&A feature called Questions.

Pinterest Group Boards - What are the Pros and Cons?

It generally doesn't take a whole lot of time for new Pinterest users to be invited to participate in a group board. One reason those invitations are so common is because it's quite easy to start this type of board. All it requires is for at least two people to pin on the same board.

The 25 Best Pinterest Boards in Educational Technology

Thanks to OnlineUniversities for this list of the Best Pinterest Boards in Educational Technology. Blogs and Twitter aren't the only social tools out there that can help you keep up with the latest and greatest developments in educational technology.

5 Reasons Pinterest’s Search Engine Is Better Than Google’s

Pinterest is a lifestyle searching tool for millions of people. People go on there with excited eyes to look for amazing recipes to cook for dinner that weekend, find ways to dress to the tens for a special date, or find creative educational materials to teach children with. Millions of users turn to Pinterest to enhance their lifestyle. And they are doing so by using the search function on Pinterest.