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Updated by Edublogs on Oct 10, 2017
Headline for Lifetime Achievement 2013 - Edublog Awards
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Lifetime Achievement 2013 - Edublog Awards


Jamie Forshey (@edutech20)

Instructional Technology Coach and all around geeky girl dedicated to innovative teaching and learning through the use of digital tools and media

Antoinette Milanova (@antoineta66)

Главен начален учител. Магистър Информационни технологии в началното училище.

Caroline Bowen (@speech_woman)

Speech-Language Pathologist. Interests: children’s speech sound disorders, clinical phonology research, information and communication technology, E3BP in SLP.

Jerry Blumengarten (@cybraryman1)

Educator & Writer trying to catalog the internet for students, educators and parents.

Anne Mirtschin (@murcha)

Teacher of ICT accounting & business studies Hawkesdale P12 College. Passionate about virtual classrooms, online learning, rural education and global education.

Jenn Alcorn (@slpgonewild)

ASHA certified, school based Speech-Language Pathologist...and loving every minute (almost)! #SLPeeps

Tom Murray (@thomascmurray)

Director of Technology and Cyber Ed, 1:1 & BYOD, Blogger, Speaker, Consultant, #edtechchat co-founder, Keystone Tech Integrator, BSN Leadership Award, #DLDay

Angela Maiers (@AngelaMaiers)

I believe these 2words can change the world - #YouMatter - I'm an Educator, Author, Speaker passionate about literacy, learning, and power of social media

Donal O' Mahony (@domaho)

Teacher, Learner, Blogger, Acting Deputy Principal Portmarnock Community Sch, Rheingoldian, Literacies, Moodle, Husband, Father..occasionally I retract tweets..

Joyce Valenza (@joycevalenza)
teacher-librarian, learner, SLJ blogger

Adam Bellow (@adambellow)

eduTecher / eduClipper Founder, Educational Technologist, Public Speaker, GCT, Dad to Two Amazing Boys, and All Around Good Guy.

Richard Byrne (@rmbyrne)

Teacher. Speaker. Writer. Google Certified Teacher. My dogs think I'm cool.

Julia Skinner (@theheadsoffice)

Retired HT passionate in all aspects of education & leadership.
Founder of 100 Word Challenge/ Blog Dipping.Learning through networking! Here to help!

Sue Waters (@suewaters)

Helping with technology & blogs in the classroom. Edublogs Support Manager - & WPMU DEV supports WordPress, Multisite & BuddyPress

Tom Whitby (@tomwhitby)

SmartBlog on Edu Editor, Prof of Edu (Ret). Founder: #Edchat,The EDU PLN,Edchat Radio Linkedin Tech-Using Profs et al.BLOG: My Island View

Kevin Honeycutt  (@kevinhoneycutt)

Consultant for, ADE, Global speaker Trainer of Speakers, School Board member USD 448 Artist, ArtSnacks creator

Peggy George (@pgeorge)

Retired elementary principal, university teacher educator, Classroom 2.0 LIVE co-host, DEN STAR, tech geek, grandma

Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo)

Inner-city High School teacher -- ESL & Mainstream

Eric Sheninger (@nmhs_principal)

Principal of New Milford HS (NJ): NASSP National Digital Principal Award Winner (2012), Google Certified Teacher, Adobe Education Leader, Author, Speaker

Ira Socol (@irasocol)

Re-imagining education based on real observation, history, postcolonial theories, liberation theology. Committed a global Democracy of Voices in education.

Sue Wyatt (@tasteach)

Retired teacher but still blogging with students and their teachers in 2013. Founder of the student blogging challenge.

Dean Shareski (@shareski)

I try not to take this place too seriously but occasionally I do. Wanna know more about how I use twitter? Watch.

Wesley Fryer, Ph.D. (@wfryer)

What do you want to create today? I'm a husband to @sfryer, dad, @iesSTEM teacher, author, & digital storyteller ATA @ipadmediacamp @ipadwithwes @eyesrightblog

Andrew Old (@oldandrewuk)

Teacher. Any attempt to suggest that the word battleground in my blog title refers to my classroom or my students indicates you have lost the argument.

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