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Updated by Edublogs on May 22, 2016
Headline for Best Teacher Blog 2013 - Edublog Awards
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Best Teacher Blog 2013 - Edublog Awards


Edutech for Teachers

Whether you celebrate this holiday or not-Happy Thanksgiving! Not only am I grateful for my family, friends and colleagues, but I'm also very appreciative of my Edutech for Teachers fans and followers. When I began writing this blog nearly two years ago, I never dreamed that it would become a resource for educators all over the world.

Моменти от класната стая

Професионалният блог на Антоанета Миланова (by Антоанета Миланова)

Seomra Ranga - Resources for the Primary School Teacher

These sentence builder activities are great for infant pupils as well as pupils with learning difficulties or special educational needs. They help to develop vocabulary, sentence structure and left to right orientation. They feature "The baby needs a ____" sentences. All pages should be laminated; the words on pages 7-9 should then be cut out.


This is a space for me to share and reflect on my journey as a Kindergarten teacher. I am most passionate about play, inquiry and technology. I believe that relationships matter and that they are the key to success in the classroom.

Fragments from a Lost Weekend Even as I leave, I know there is the funeral. Even as I climb into our cheap convertible, and the rain comes down and the roof goes up, I know. You have been a good friend, even though our lives are so busy now we are sometimes like strangers.


I also like to tie our projects into the curriculum. Since we are studying human and natural characteristics within our community, I'm going to pre-cut 8" circles to perfectly fit in the plate. The students will illustrate a landscape of their choice to demonstrate their understanding of our community characteristics.

Cool Cat Teacher Blog - Teaching students with new tools, enthusiasm and belief that teaching is a noble calling.

"The stance a leader takes with respect to blame is...a key determinant in whether a team, department or whole organization will have a culture of learning from mistakes." Excerpt From: Ben Dattner and Darren Dahl. The Blame Game: How the Hidden Rules of Credit and Blame Determine Our Success or Failure Educational Leadership: Are we playing [...]

The Nerdy Teacher

I wanted to spend a post thanking my students. Too often we look at students as "doing their job" by coming to school, but there are many things to be thankful for and I thought a post for my students would be a nice start.

Krissy Venosdale {Venspired}

Education isn't something we sit around and wait to happen. It's something we make happen. We can't force it, but we have to put in the effort to plan, guide, sculpt, and lay out the conditions for learning to be optimized. Stuff happens. Testing. Policies. Out of our control things.

@ TeacherToolkit

Award winning Assistant Headteacher (by @TeacherToolkit)


Imagine that (fill in the blank) never happened, how would you expect the (fill in the blank with an outcome)? Example 1) Imagine that Japan never bombed the United States during World War II, how would you expect world history to be different than it is today?

SpeechTechie- Technology, Apps and Lessons for SLPs and Teachers who like Words

SpeechTechie will help you find speech language pathology and technology resources for your lesson plans and therapy. This blog shows you the best free internet sites and apps related to speech and language goals

MathyCathy's Blog - Mrs. Cathy Yenca | Happenings from my real-life 21st-century mathematics classroom

We veered from the scenario and did some typical textbook examples... and once they got the hang of it, they were all trying to sneak back and solve the t-shirt problem. One by one, they couldn't contain their reactions as they realized we were talking about around a 900% increase.

Read, Write, Reflect

I teach fifth grade and have been teaching for the past 14 years. I love reading and writing in my classroom. I am using this as a space to reflect on my teaching and hope you will join in.

Teaching using web tools

Education, lesson plans, technology (by Ann S. Michaelsen)

HuntingEnglish - On the hunt for great teaching and learning

I blog regularly about successful teaching strategies, coaching, teacher improvement and more. I am currently writing a book for new English teachers.

Teacher Reboot Camp

Included in the Digital Tips Advent Calendar and part of the Effective Technology Integration category "If you think of learning as a path, you can picture yourself walking beside her rather than either pushing or dragging or carrying her along." ~ Polly Berrien Berends We are born curious.

Kevin's Meandering Mind

It's that time of year again and I have a few folks/sites that I would like to consider for this past year's Edublog Awards. (It's been ten years of Eddies, apparently). Honestly, the flow of information from my RSS and Twitter and other sites is so fast and furious that I don't often keep track of where things comes from.

What Ed Said

This makes me smile And it makes me wonder... What do we miss because we don't pause to look properly? Do our assumptions limit what we notice? How often do we respond carelessly, without stopping to investigate? Are our observations restricted by our expectations? And, as always... What's the message for school?

eLearning Island

This post is an amalgamation of a post from three weeks ago and some random thoughts after the results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) released today ( here). PISA in 2015 will have four (not three as in 2012) conceptual frameworks: Science, Reading, Mathematics and the new, Collaborative Problem Solving.


In a couple of weeks (Thursday, 12th December to be specific) a group of rad educators will be coming together to share the pain and pleasure inherent in learning. As a teacher, learning is my business and as a teacher, learning is your business too.

Teacher Tom

Reflections on teaching and learning from preschoolers

The Jose Vilson - Educator - Writer - Activist - Father

In the hood, I've seen girls and women rock doobie wraps to tuck in a hairstyle they'll show off the next day. It's akin to wearing rollers or, for guys, wearing a doo-rag before gelling their waves.

Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom

Various Dates In 2013-Featured Webinar Presenter, Simple K12 Teacher Learning Community, Online January 28-31, 2013- Featured Presenter, FETC, Orlando, Florida March 6-8, 2013- Presenter, North Carolina Technology In Education Society Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC March 16-18, 2013- Presenter and 2012-2014 Emerging Leader, ASCD Annual Conference, Chicago, IL June 23-26, 2013-Session Speaker and Workshop Presenter, International Society for Technology in Education Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX

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