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Best Class Blog 2013 - Edublog Awards



Written by, and for, CCJH students

Kids With Ideas

I just wanted to confirm that the Winter Concert is on tomorrow night (Thursday). Things kick off at 6.30. I am guessing that many of the kids will have to come a bit before to set up but I am sure your child will let you know the details.

Йорданка Първанова

Йорданка Първанова

5/6C @ The Junction

We in 5/6C love to blog. This year we've had many amazing opportunities to connect with other students all around the world, through our blog, Edmodo and Skype. We'd like to acknowledge all of the schools and students we've connected with this year and nominate some of the exceptional work happening in our schools (We wish we could nominate more than one for each category!)

Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog

I am passion about educational blogging. In my 27 years of teaching, I have never seen anything have such a positive impact on learning as educational blogging. Not only does blogging improve reading and writing skills, it is also a great place to help children build a positive digital footprint and learn how to contribute to an online community.

cnps2's Blog 2013

The way plants obtain nutrients is part of our learning this term. What better way to learn than by experimenting. What was needed: The students were divided into 5 groups. Each group had an iPad to document the journey their flower was going to embark upon.

Mrs. Morgan's Superstars

The entire 2nd grade skyped with Mark Wood Explorer last week. Mark Wood is an adventurous explorer who has climbed Mt. Everest, trekked across the North and South Poles, and loves sharing it with the rest of the world. In February 2014, he will be doing a solo expedition to the North Pole.

Mr. Baldock's Class Blog "

Once upon a time Brad, Matthew and Steven were home alone. It was a cold and windy Friday night. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Brad opened the door very slowly, but when it was fully open it was a slimy man eating tiger.

A Room With a View: Class 2

We have been exploring imagery in poetry around the theme of fire. We looked at two very different kinds of fire, beginning with a bonfire as a celebration: In the UK, we celebrate Bonfire Night on November 5th, and let off fireworks.

Mrs. Hamman's Class Blog

November 19, 2013 by Mrs. Hamman's Class 1 Comment On November 7, our class went to the Mesa Arts Center to see National Geographic Live. We heard from Paul Nicklen, a photographer for National Geographic. He talked about his adventures photographing animals in their habitats all over the world.

Grand Oak Technology

Welcome to the Owls' Lair, Home of the Techy Owls!

The Avery Bunch

We are a group of 36 6th grade students in Massachusetts.

5/6JC @ UPPS

This term one of our main focuses has been to publish a magazine comparing similarities and differences of countries around the world. And...we've done it! We've called our magazine Global UPdate. The 'UP' is for Upper Plenty. Our magazine has articles about life all around the world.

Room 5 @ Melville Intermediate School

On Tuesday 12th of November a group of highly skilled rippa rugby league teams got togeather to complete against a variety f schools, we were all going or one reason to win because the top two schools go to the rippa league regionals competion which is held in Te Awamutu.

Open the Door to B4

We had a sunny day today so it was time to use We hope to make some more s'mores later this week when we go on our class picnic. Have you ever made s'mores? Where is the most fun place you've ever eaten them?

4KJ @ Leopold Primary School

Posted by Miss Kelly Jordan on Wednesday, December 4th 2013 This morning, the grade four students were scheduled to participate in an hour of tabloid sports outside, which was organised by the grade six P.E elective group. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate and it started pouring with rain just as we were about to head out!

Ms. Cassidy's Classroom Blog

It's not too long until Christmas! Today the children made special advent calendars. Beginning tonight, the students will take one link off of their chain every night until Christmas Eve. When they teach the bell, the big day will be here. Several weeks ago, our class won a school wide contest for reading the most pages in one week.

Huzzah! - Celebrating living and learning together.

To finish the three weeks of off, we went to a wonderful beach where our instructors have built a great hangout, the Tiki Hut. On our second-last day we went stand-up paddle boarding and kayaking. It was so much fun! (Even though some people fell in multiple times.

20somethingkidsand1kookyteacher on

Yep. It's been almost a month to the day that I was last here. Whoa, right? And so as I begin, I feel like I should warn you now-this might turn into a real-life post, not one of those typical "here's-what-we-did-and-here's-why" kind of thing that you usually see around here.

Mr Huebl's Classroom

In 6HU, we are habitual participants in the 100 Word Challenge, a global writing challenge that develops writing skills in students by asking them to respond to a stimulus in only 100 words. This is indeed a challenge sometimes, as it can be difficult to frame our ideas into such a small amount of words.

Falcons Tech

Falcons Tech From the Hearts and Minds of Excelsior Students

Mr Lamshed's Class

Today we are commemorating those who lost their lives in war. The 11th of November is remembrance day both here and in some other parts if the world, so this is our prompt for this week.

The Living Textbook

A project of the Asian American Journalists Association

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