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Updated by Edublogs on Apr 08, 2020
Headline for Best New Blog 2013 - Edublog Awards
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Best New Blog 2013 - Edublog Awards



Well I must be very naive. This coming Monday will see us start our 4 week placement and I'm looking forward to it. Admittedly, I'm nervous, but nerves are good. I haven't exactly hidden my opinion that I don't find the lectures to suit my learning style.

В Час

Стани по-организиран учител с тези 5 безплатни онлайн приложения, които ще ти помогнат да контролираш постоянния поток от информация, оценки, уроци и задължения. Събуди въображението на учениците си с тези 5 приложения за ефектни визуални учебни проекти. Упражнявай английския си безплатно в тези 4 образователни социални мрежи. Как изглежда класната стая от бъдещето?

My TY experience :)

Not another trip.... If anything this is not a 'doss' year, with two trips in one week and plenty of projects to be done too. This time we headed into town to visit the national gallery, natural history museum AND the national library!!

Speechy Musings

A place of inspiration for SLPs

Two Guys and Some iPads

We have to start by thanking everyone who has pushed our thinking, given us advice, and helped share our voice! The past 8 months have changed our lives forever and we owe it those in our PLN and those who have become great friends!

Rock Chalk Speech Talk

I'm pretty sure a love of shopping was programmed into my genetic makeup at birth. I get it from my dad, who probably enjoys shopping more than I do... My parents always used to go out at 4am on Black Friday when all of us kids were younger, in order to get the best deals on toys and games.

Pūpū A `O `Ewa Native Hawaiian Writing and Arts

Pūpū A 'O 'Ewa Native Hawaiian Writing and Arts is a publication of Leeward Community College, a campus of the University of Hawai'i system, and Punawai Press.

Jay Zagorsky's Research and Blog

Today is Cyber Monday, the day everyone is supposed to go shopping online. I need (or is it want) a new portable computer to replace my old netbook. I was looking to buy the ASUS Transformer Book T100TA-C1-GR, which is half tablet and half laptop.

SLPs for Change

I have written the letter from us as a group. Copy and paste it into your email client. See the italicized instructions for adding your own experiences to the letter. This will make the letter more personalized than getting multiple identical letters. Feel free to edit anything else in the letter to suite your needs.

I Heart EdTech

If you enjoyed my last post about EduCreations, a great free whiteboard app for iOS that lets you record whiteboard lessons that you can share with students, then you'll really love Explain Everything . Especially if you flip your classroom or are experimenting with the idea of flipping some lessons.

Pragmatic Education

National Curriculum Levels are dead. That's the starting point of this post. In secondary schools, at KS3, they have been dead for 5 years now. They were brutally and fatally assaulted with the disastrous KS3 tests of 2007 and then dispatched with a bullet to the head in 2008 when the SATs were scrapped by the parliamentary committee investigating the previous year's debacle.

Leading Learner

Executive Headteacher of St. Mary's Catholic College & Christ the King Catholic Primary School, Blackpool. Fascinated by learning & leading. Love collaborating and seeing new practice. Involved in SSAT Redesigning Schools & Vision 2040 Group. (by ExecutiveHT)


the good. the bad. the planning.


I, of course went digging around in our computer lab cabinets and found the pile of CDs, but as I was digging for the music, I thought about what that means for this teachers' curriculum and how he integrates technology. What it means to the students experiences and engagement in my school and how technology is used in the curriculum.




Hi today I have a Katy Perry poll below that you can vote for which song you think is the best if you dont know what one or more of the songs are you may search it up on Youtube. Get the Poll Creator Pro widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox !

Hate Chalk

The Red Tree On Thursday, we received the book, The Red Tree, from our partner class in Perth, Australia. The author and illustrator, Shaun Tan, is from Perth and I was very appreciative that Miss Korten (@Capt_KK) sent us this unique gift. The book starts: "Sometimes the day begins with nothing to look forward to."

The Absolutely True Blog of an Almost Teacher

I'm Emily -- a 23 year old English Education major at Marshall University.




They say write about what you know, well I spent nine hours yesterday wrangling with UCAS forms, personal statements and tutor references. For some students this process is easy, however for many (and their tutors) wording statements and references can be really difficult. This is a post about navigating the two most tricky parts of [...]

The Second Perspective

Born in Adelaide, South Australia, Ryan James Brown has had an extensive history teaching English in Australian Schools. He is dedicated to reading, and the inclusion of imagination and creativity in the area of literacy. As an educator, Ryan Brown is an enthusiastic advocate of technology in the classroom, focusing specifically on learning environments and class culture.

Save the Arts in schools!

"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will" - George Bernard Shaw

Teaching Impact in Urban Bilingual Settings

"Why you trying to be white going off to college and dorming and all that? We lost another one." - fellow classmate I remember feeling proud when I received my acceptance letter to a new ivy back in 2006. I was excited to go away for college.

Future Of History | MiddleWeb

Links, resources, and original reporting for middle school teachers, parents, and others interested in raising student achievement and reforming middle grades

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