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Updated by Edublogs on Nov 21, 2022
Headline for Best Group Blog 2013 - Edublog Awards
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Best Group Blog 2013 - Edublog Awards


Блогът на ЗПГ

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Written by, and for, CCJH students

Partners in Learning - Hot Topics

Join the worldwide community of educators who are passionate about ensuring learners are prepared to thrive in the global economy.

Speechie Freebies

Hi Everyone! If you follow Carrie's Speech Corner, you may have seen me mention that I run a weekly group with an Occupational Therapist. We came up with this activity to promote fine motor objectives after reading the book "Acorns Everywhere."

Nerdy Book Club

A community of readers

Two Guys and Some iPads

We have to start by thanking everyone who has pushed our thinking, given us advice, and helped share our voice! The past 8 months have changed our lives forever and we owe it those in our PLN and those who have become great friends!

Edudemic - Education Technology Tips For Students And Teachers

Flipped classrooms are one of the more popular trends we've seen since Edudemic was created, and it is certainly one of the most long- lasting. Other things have come and gone...


I was recently asked to consult on a speech-language evaluation for a 12-year-old child who has lived with her adoptive parents in the United States for the last three years. English is the fourth language she has been exposed to since birth, but there is no trace of the child's first three languages ever since her immersion in an English-speaking environment.

Connected Principals

Have you ever felt like things were moving too fast? Like things weren't getting your full attention? Like you were overwhelmed and didn't know where to start? Three "strategies" I've employed this year to help me "manage" the tasks... Never under estimate a team of creative teachers who want to show off their creative students.


EdBlogsIE brings you blog posts from a number of Irish educators. Visit our Contributors page to find out more about these bloggers. You can Submit a blog and you'll also find us on Twitter and...


Sometimes, being thrown into a new situation with few resources and little knowledge can be the best way to innovate. Educators, especially those who work in smaller rural districts, can sometimes be called on to teach classes without a lot of support or resources.


All about the middle grades!

TeacherCast Blog

Last year I participated inScott McLeod's Leadership Day with a post called Dare to Imagine: Schools of the Future, and I am happy to participate again for 2013. This year... Image Credit: Tis the season as districts are winding down or still winding up as it relates to filling out the staff roster for the upcoming school...

The Echo Chamber

"Books, will be obsolete in schools... our school system will be completely changed in ten years." How often have we heard statements like this in education or "CPD" events? I am pleased to say that I have yet to hear this phrase in my new context, but in previous schools, this level of technological hyperbole seemed to be rife.

The Thesis Whisperer

This post was written by Paula Hanasz who is currently writing a thesis on the geopolitics of water security in South Asia at The ANU. She is enrolled at the Australia National University but currently spends more time on her couch than in her office or the library.

BLOG | DMLcentral

Proclamations like 'kids need to learn to code!' may be accurate but, without some context and conceptual unpacking, they can be rather unhelpful. Thankfully, fellow DMLcentral contributor Ben Williamson has done a great job of...

Teach For America teacher blogs are on Teach For Us

Been a while. I almost forgot I have a blog. Today the iPads arrived. More: a parade arrived! Principal rolling the cart, AP telling me she's nervous, Curriculum Coordinator taking notes, iPad coach man chatting up my kiddos, Literacy Coach explaining what "interfere" means, and Parent Center Coordinator snapping some shots, probably for the school...

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