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Updated by Edublogs on Jan 03, 2016
Headline for Best Individual Blog 2013 - Edublog Awards
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Best Individual Blog 2013 - Edublog Awards


Моменти от класната стая

Професионалният блог на Антоанета Миланова (by Антоанета Миланова)

PrAACtical AAC

Supports for language learning

В Час

Стани по-организиран учител с тези 5 безплатни онлайн приложения, които ще ти помогнат да контролираш постоянния поток от информация, оценки, уроци и задължения. Събуди въображението на учениците си с тези 5 приложения за ефектни визуални учебни проекти. Упражнявай английския си безплатно в тези 4 образователни социални мрежи. Как изглежда класната стая от бъдещето?

Speech Adventures

Don't's temporary. This last month has been pretty busy and the last few weeks I've been focusing on doing my 1) job - lots of testing and paperwork/meetings this month, 2) preparing my presentation to the Oklahoma Speech Hearing Association's annual conference, and 3) some local presentation/teaching opportunities.

Seomra Ranga - Resources for the Primary School Teacher

These sentence builder activities are great for infant pupils as well as pupils with learning difficulties or special educational needs. They help to develop vocabulary, sentence structure and left to right orientation. They feature "The baby needs a ____" sentences. All pages should be laminated; the words on pages 7-9 should then be cut out.


I also like to tie our projects into the curriculum. Since we are studying human and natural characteristics within our community, I'm going to pre-cut 8" circles to perfectly fit in the plate. The students will illustrate a landscape of their choice to demonstrate their understanding of our community characteristics.

Chapel Hill Snippets

3 years and 31 days ago, I made a decision that I swore I would never make. I dropped my firstborn son off at a state run program in a mental hospital, admitting to him and to the world that our family was no longer the best place for him, and that someone else was better equipped to meet his needs than my wife and I.

If Only I Had Super Powers

The American Speech and Hearing Association acknowledges that I've been blogging since before it was even cool (five years and counting!) I created one of the first Speech Therapy blogs... just me and the dinosaurs banging rocks in Morse code to create informative, emotional, humorous, and/or otherwise ridiculous posts.


Latest Post Reading blogs is now my main mode of interacting with ideas about teaching and school leadership. It's been an incredible year in my view. Choosing a few nominees is difficult but these are the bloggers and tweeters that I feel influence me the most: Best individual blog: David Didau @learningspy Best group blog: Edutronic_Net #BlogSync ...

Cool Cat Teacher Blog - Teaching students with new tools, enthusiasm and belief that teaching is a noble calling.

"The stance a leader takes with respect to blame is...a key determinant in whether a team, department or whole organization will have a culture of learning from mistakes." Excerpt From: Ben Dattner and Darren Dahl. The Blame Game: How the Hidden Rules of Credit and Blame Determine Our Success or Failure Educational Leadership: Are we playing [...]

Speech Peeps

This adorable winter-themed game focuses on Following Directions, Basic Concepts and Pronouns-all goals making up a lot of my younger caseload.

Free Technology for Teachers

One of the elements that is common to almost every video recorded on a mobile device is "throw away" footage at the beginning and end of every video. "Throw away" footage is the five seconds of giggling, shaky shots of the ground, and other nonsense that is captured at the beginning and end of a video.

Playing With Words 365

Today, just a quick note to say... We hope you all have an AMAZING holiday full of fun, family and food! And...a big happy birthday to my baby girl who turns 5 today. F I V E!? Where has the time gone? Love you baby girl. See you all next week!


This is a space for me to share and reflect on my journey as a Kindergarten teacher. I am most passionate about play, inquiry and technology. I believe that relationships matter and that they are the key to success in the classroom.

It's that time of the year again when the Edublog Awards are upon us. The Edublog awards celebrate all the fantastic educational blogs out there around the world. Over the last number of years, there has been a lot of ... Read on...

To Make a Prairie

A blog about reading, writing, teaching and the joys of a literate life

Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | ...For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL

I periodically post "most popular" lists of websites (and books) that I think educators might find useful. Of course, there are a number of ways to gauge "popularity." I just view these lists as opportunities to check-out some new sites, and find it interesting to see which ones might be particularly "popular."

Gridjumper's Blog

I find the site a valid and reliable source for good educational links in a variety of categories. I am honored to have been nominated in the past and continue to support the site by spreading the news, I use it as a resource when providing professional development in almost any area.

Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension

Education musings, technology, and lessons; my life as a teacher by Pernille Ripp. (by Pernille Ripp)


Imagine that (fill in the blank) never happened, how would you expect the (fill in the blank with an outcome)? Example 1) Imagine that Japan never bombed the United States during World War II, how would you expect world history to be different than it is today?

The Daring Librarian

Disclaimer: The views expressed on these pages are mine alone and not those of my employer. I also reserve the right to misspell words, make wild generalizations, have unfounded opinions, and be snarky. Snarky is not a crime. Just in case.

Think Like a Teacher

As the child of a public school teacher-and a gifted education teacher at that- I was raised with extreme appreciation of the importance of having the proper resources available to children to foster creative learning and independent growth. That is not to say I learned that every educational opportunity required substantial spending.

The Inside Lane

Animoby for iPad "This is a new way of doing presentations, tutorials and animations, with pictures, drawings and even audio. Show and explain with the speed and agility you want." Animoby is similar to a number of other apps out there at the moment.

Education Rethink @edrethink

I'm a fan of student voice. I believe in having students express themselves in blog posts and in podcasts and in documentaries. I want them to explore their passions and share their ideas. I want to listen to them.

Christopher Lehman

Educational Consultant and Author Christopher Lehman's Blog (by Chris Lehman)

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