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Updated by Will Coley on Feb 28, 2025
Headline for Resources for Recently Deported People from U.S.
Will Coley Will Coley
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Resources for Recently Deported People from U.S.

This is a crowd-sourced list of some resources for people who have recently been deported from the U.S. to Mexico and Central America. Please suggest additions!

Directory: for deported people in México, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador

Resources, services, and programs available for deported people in México, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. If you know of any other organization, and you like to add it please fill out the form here. Coordinated by the Research Insititute for Human Mobilities (IN-MOVILIDADES) and the Institute for Women in Migration (IMUMI).

Scholarships for deported people in Mexico

Former students of college-in-prison programs in IL state prisons who have been released from the IL Department of Corrections within the past 6 months are invited to apply for funds of up to $500 to help them meet essential costs, e.g. housing, transportation, or medical expenses. Please access the short application form via the link below. (There is no deadline for EJP alumni.)

Crossing South

Many people and families in the U.S. have had to return to their native countries, either voluntarily or due to deportation. This resource was created to help people prepare so they can make the process as simple and safe as possible, whether they are returning to México, Honduras, El Salvador, or Guatemala. 

Rhizome Center for Migrants

Nonprofit organization: Serving and defending the rights of the returned and deported

A New Path / Un nuevo camino

This guide is for people who live with the threat of deportation to Mexico or Central America. Know your rights, learn where to get legal help, and make a plan in case of possible deportation. Download our guide here.
We oppose the detention and deportation of anyone. This guide includes information on know your rights, legal aid and advocacy organizations so that an individual can oppose their removal from the US. The publication of this book should not be seen as an endorsement of deportation. The fact is that every year thousands of people are deported. We created this resource so that those individuals who face deportation can have the information and resources they need for a successful transition.