Listly by jcp6538
Here are some of the best sources describing the Texas Rangers' lives and their impact on Texan/American lore.
Teddy Roosevelts' first hand account of leading the first U.S. volunteer cavalry during the Spanish-American War. The Book focuses on the recruitment, training, and charge up San Juan Hill. However, also on how the Texas Rangers helped represent this group in their toughness, law enforcement skills, and military prowess.
Samuel Hamilton Walker to Mrs. Ann M. Walker, May 6, 1843 Page 1 Samuel Hamilton Walker was born in Maryland in 1817. He fought in the Florida and Seminole Wars as a volunteer before coming to Texas in 1842, where he immediately volunteered to fight against the Mexican invasion as a Texas Ranger.
A quick article on The Texas Rangers and their long and unique history in Texas.
Multiple primary sources of the Rangers and their fair share of lawlessness.
The Rangers have taken part in many of the most important events of Texas history and were involved in some of the most well known criminal cases in the history of the Old West, such as those of gunfighter John Wesley Hardin, bank robber Sam Bass, and outlaws Bonnie and Clyde.
Tri-weekly newspaper from Houston, Texas that includes local, state and national news along with some advertising. Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
This news article speaks on The Great Naval Battle at Charleston and a letter from the Rangers' on their efforts during the battle.
The Texas Rangers conduct major violent crime, public corruption, cold case and officer involved shooting investigations and oversee the department’s border security and tactical and crisis negotiation programs.
Texas DPS link to showcase what the texas rangers do today and how they are implemented into today's crime and law enforcement efforts.