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Updated by Kasturika Pal on Feb 21, 2025
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Beyond Stigma: The Need for Mental Health Education

The fragility of human mind is profound yet overlooked aspect of our existence. While we can visibly see external injuries, the vulnerability of mind remains invisible.


In India, mental health stigma remains a significant barrier.

Unfortunately India in the recent years has emerged as “World’s Suicide Capital” reporting 1.72 lakh deaths by suicide in 2022.According the same statistics India loses 1 life in every 3 minutes.


Could we have prevented this from happening?

This is where we come in, together, rewriting the story of pain into one of hope.

As the first chapter, and have created a petition urging Supreme Court to mandate mental health education as a compulsory subject.


Why sign the petition?

By age of 3, children’s brains become highly active and responsive to their surroundings. With mental health education, children will growup understanding their emotions. Thus, creating a compassionate, emotionally intelligent generation.

Sign the petition here:

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