Listly by Katie Croy
Articles and images documenting one of the most catastrophic and nationally recognized events in Texas history.
The FBI tapes, government documents and photos which reveal what really happened behind the scenes.
Information and images giving a better glimpse into the standstill moments captured in the standoff between the ATF and the Branch Davidians.
This is the front page of the Waco Tribune Herald, on Saturday Februay 27, 1993. This article was written by Mark England and Darlene McCormick. It was one of the first articles to address him as his legal name "Vernon Howell" instead of the name he adopted in 1990, "David Koresh". This article series became one of the thre finalist for the 1994 Pulizer Prize for investigative journalism.
A detailed timeline by KXXV, a local news station, documenting the day by day progression and set backs in this standoff from February 28th through May 2nd.
A Netflix documentary, detailing the tense moments of the standoff. This documentary gives viewers direct insight into th standoff with raw footage, and interviews with victims who made it out of the compoud before its collapse and agents (FBI, ATF, etc.) that were directly involved in the standoff in Waco, Texas.
A detailed breakdown by the History Channel, of each of the components in the Waco Standoff massacre, including David Koresh himself, the Branch Davidians, the battle between Koresh and the FBI, the explosion of the Mount Carmel Compound, and the legacy this massacre left on Texas history and Americans nationwide (including the Oklahoma City Bombing).
This is a non-fiction book written by James D. Tabor and Eugene V. Gallagher on the Waco siege and the anti-cult movement in America. Including how such events as this and Ruby Ridge ignited not only a distrust in the government, but also the issue of government infringing on religious practices, and the separation of church and state principles.
The siege of the cult's compound remains one of the bloodiest and most tragic episodes in US history, continuing to cast a sinister shadow 30 years later.