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Updated by My Community Manager on Mar 30, 2020
Headline for #CMGRHangout Guests
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#CMGRHangout Guests

Paul B. Raushenbush (@raushenbush)

Senior Religion Editor, HuffingtonPost

Brandon (@speaktothegeek)

Co-Founder, Chief MVMNTS Officer, BTC Revolutions. Music freak, total geek, programmer of all things web, mobile or multi-touch.

Annette Simmons (@TheStoryFactor)

M. Ed. Adult Education and Psychology. I teach storytelling/finding to improve communication. I live in Louisiana because eccentricity is an art form here.

David Tubbs (@davidbtubbs)

Co-Founder of social media focused startup @meersocial, Marketing/Communications at @GKWCC & a decent slo-pitch softball player. Opinions are my own

Dorie Clark (@dorieclark)

HBR and Forbes contributor; marketing strategist & speaker; Duke Fuqua School of Business prof; author of Reinventing You (HBR Press, 2013)

Shannon (@ShashersLife)

Cool Mom of 4 & Pastor's Sassy Wife | Co-Founder of @SplashMEngage | @BlissDomCanada Organizer & Sparkle Queen

Bob Burg (@BobBurg)

Bestselling Author, The Go-Giver & Endless Referrals. Animal Lover Advocate of Free-Market Economy. Money is an echo of value. New book: Adversaries into Allies

JennieMustafa-Julock (@CoachJennie)

I don't subscribe to the gentle encouragement coaching thing. My signature cathartic shoves get you unstuck and unstoppable.

robfuggetta (@robfuggetta)

Author of Brand Advocates: Turning Enthusiastic Customers into a Powerful Marketing Force (Wiley), Founder/CEO @Zuberance. Tennis Player, Wine Lover, Proud Dad

Tom Martin (@TomMartin)

Tom is a no nonsense, straight-talking 20-year vet of the ad business who favors stiff drinks and good debates. Author of

Jennifer Shaw (@MissJennShaw)

A proud MC1R Rock Star and an equal opportunity geek: As long as it does what I want it to, when I want it to, I'm a fan. Founder, @NYTechWomen @BellaMinds

Connor Meakin (@ConnorMeaks)

Aspiring Renaissance Man; I Cook & Eating Lavishly, High-Five strangers whilst running. @HootSuite Community Manager. Washed up Intl. Amateur Athlete. #5Run

DaveO from HootSuite (@daveohoots)

VP at HootSuite on long-term medical leave. Former CMTY & MKTG leader.

Generally I enjoy hot springs, arts & crafts, literature, hugs and healing.

Ekaterina Walter (@Ekaterina)

Co-founder and CMO @BRANDERATI | Author, WSJ bestseller Think Like Zuck|Trendsetter|Intl Speaker|Connector|Social Coco Chanel and yes, I tweet w European accent

Perri Blake Gorman (@bethebutterfly)

ceo/founder @archively : co-founder @unrollme : moderator @StartupGrind :: I am an alchemist. I am a collector of people.

Rebel Brown (@RebelBrown)

NeuroBusiness Speaker, Coach & Author. #HuffingtonPost & #bealeader resident blogger. Ready to be the best you ever? You can, right now! It's ALL in your mind!

Jessica Northey (@JessicaNorthey)

Creator Country Music Chat #CMchat 24/7 Social Community w/Celeb Twitterview Mondays 6pPT. ALL Media/PR, Bookings, Stories

Porter Gale (@portergale)

Author of Your Network is Your Net Worth (2013). To order Former VP of Marketing/Virgin America. Speaker/ Start-up Advisor.

Tim McDonald (@tamcdonald)

I build communities, not networks, through building individual relationships that create movements.

Director of Community @HuffingtonPost


Jeannie Walters (@jeanniecw)

Customer experience leader/student; fascinated by social media; working mom; friend to great thinkers

Daria Musk (@dariamusk)

Musician fueled by the effervescent pop of the universe, the rock of planet earth & the love in your heart. Crash the party.

Sean McGinnis (@seanmcginnis)

Marketing Director - Sears @PartsDirect | Speaker & Consultant @312digital | #SEO | #Content | #Digital | #CMO | Adjunct @ElmhurstCollege

Mitch Jackson (@mitchjackson)

California trial lawyer | Google Glass and Social Explorer... “Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration, and 2% attention to detail”- Phil Dunphy

Angela Maiers (@AngelaMaiers)

I believe these 2words can change the world - #YouMatter - I'm an Educator, Author, Speaker passionate about literacy, learning, and power of social media