Let me ask you a question. What is the cover letter about? If you said, "Of course, that's obvious, the cover letter is about the job!" Then I disagree, first and foremost the cover letter is about you.
A print version: ISBN 978-1-909296-18-3, an ebook and an audiobook of Steve Hobson's book is now available. Steve Hobson went blind about eight years ago. In adapting to his new life, he searched for a retreat, somewhere quiet and peaceful that would allow him to relax.
Years ago I sat on a government committee that looked at the archiving of digital material. Even then, in the early 90s, it was obvious that much of our society's records would be in digital format. What to keep, and in what format? Two simple questions but they have never been adequately answered.
It is time to think about the yearly celebrations. On 4th December we celebrate the life of Saint Barbara, patron of U.S. Army Field Artillery. Barbara lived in the 4th century and brought up as a heathen. A tyrannical father, Dioscorus, had kept her jealously secluded in a lonely tower which he had built for that purpose.