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Updated by Geoff Neupert on Mar 17, 2025
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Kettlebells Workouts

Ever struggle with “finding time” to workout or “getting a good workout in”? - YouTube

The kettlebell or several kettlebells replace:
[1] A gym membership
[2] Cardio machines
[3] Weight machines
[4] A barbell
[5] Dumbbells
All you need to do is use them correctly.

‘Hidden’ reason people “can’t lose weight”...? - YouTube

If you’re struggling to lose weight - or “get lean” as I call it, there’s a very good reason why.
Of course, this is assuming you’re actually “trying” and doing the “right things” - like working out and eating relatively healthy foods instead of a death row inmate at a buffet.

‘Hidden’ reason people “can’t lose weight”? - PART 2 - YouTube
  1. Sleep Less = More Cravings.
  2. Less Sleep = Higher BMI.
  3. Less Sleep = Impaired Sugar Metabolism.
  4. Sleep Deprivation
  5. Less Sleep = More Food Intake.
  6. Less Sleep = More Stomach Fat.
  7. Less Sleep = Muscle Loss.
Best Kettlebell Workouts To Get Ready for the Summer…- YouTube

The plan you choose should really be based upon:
[1] Your current abilities - what exercises you CAN and CAN’T do
[2] Your kettlebells - which ones you have available to you at the moment (including ones you don’t have but can get)
[3] Your schedule - how much time you can realistically train / work out.

Top 10 Fat Loss Mistakes - #2 of 10 - YouTube

I put “fat loss” and “trying to lose weight” in quotes because I prefer to program the brain for success - “getting” something, instead of “losing” something.
So I prefer saying - “get lean” or “get leaner” - depending on my current state.

Top 10 Fat Loss Mistakes - #3 of 10 (Starting Too Hard) - YouTube

I “love it” when I get emails from people who use my KB complex programs and they say -
“The first workout only took 10 minutes. It was still challenging though. Is that enough?”
My response is usually (paraphrased):
“It was the first workout of 27. And each week will get progressively harder. Enjoy it while it lasts.”

Top 10 Fat Loss Mistakes - #5 of 10 - You making this “measuring” mistake? - YouTube

One of the reasons people fail to see the progress they’re looking for when it comes to “weight loss” is they’re focused on the WRONG THING.
They’re using incomplete data to determine their success.

Fat Loss Mistake #6 Creating NEW FAT CELLS / eating FAT-STORING food - YouTube

The “magic” of kettlebell training is, under the right circumstances, they will stimulate / force your body to burn off stored body fat.
Sometimes slowly.
Sometimes like fire through a dry wheatfield on a hot summer’s day.

Kettlebell Fat Loss Workout Mistake #7 - YouTube

Here in the Northern Hemisphere it’s almost beach/pool season. And that means you want to have the confidence to take your shirt off or wear your trunks without shame instead of looking like the Michelen Man or shaped like a Christmas tree. Which brings us to Fat Loss Mistake #7 in our series of the Top 10 Kettlebell Fat Loss Workout Mistakes.

Top 10 Fat Loss Mistakes - #4 of 10 - YouTube

A lot of people “go through the motions” with fat loss programming.
They show up, and punch the clock, and “hope” it’s enough.
But the truth is, it’s not.
As I mentioned in an earlier email, you need to CHALLENGE your body so it has to change.
Otherwise, it remains the same.

Kettlebell Workout Fat Loss Mistake #8 - THE “I” WORD - YouTube

Most people give up on “losing weight” because they’re IMPATIENT.
They won’t stick with it. They think things are magically supposed to happen because they’re “eating less” or “working out more.”

Kettlebell Workout Fat Loss Mistake #9 - YouTube

See, in order to lose body fat, you have to do things differently.
You have to get out of your Comfort Zone.
And you have to learn new skills - like Meal Preparation.
Or getting more out of breath than you’re used to while training.

Kettlebell Workout Fat Loss Mistake #10

Emotionally speaking, it’s just like the little kid who falls off his bike in the middle of the street and lays there hollering instead of getting up, dusting himself off, and keeps going.
Look, if you mess up, and you most likely will, don’t beat yourself up.

Kettlebell Exercise Technique Tip - Your Feet…? - YouTube

“Before you Press, grip the ground with your feet. Imagine you have roots growing out of them, like a tree, then Press.” Test it out and see if you find it helpful. Maybe you will, maybe you won’t.

How Michael lost 4.3lbs of fat AND GAINED 10.3lbs of lean tissue in only - YouTube

A lot of folks shake their head in disbelief when I tell them what kind of results they can have using simple KB programs just a few times per week, with limited time.
They just don’t believe it’s possible. Or at least not for them.
That’s why I love it when customers send me their results from using my programs.

3 reasons why guys and ladies fail see results from their workouts

REASON #1: You MUST Create Some Form Of Overload.
REASON #2: Random Acts of Variety.
REASON #3: Inconsistency.
BONUS - REASON #4: They Eat More to Accommodate For Their Workouts.

What’s MORE Important? Being STRONG or being LEAN? - YouTube

Strength coach Mark Rippetoe says, “Stronger people are harder to kill.”
StrongFirst says, “Be anything you want to be, but be strong first.”
And yet our society is OBSESSED with “weight loss.” I’ve written recently about the importance of getting rid of stomach fat for health and staving off death.

One of the best ways to train for “all around strength” - YouTube

1- Low reps, multiple sets (1-3 reps, 10-30 sets)
2- Medium reps, multiple sets (3-6 reps, 5-20 sets)
3- High-ish reps, multiple sets (6-10 reps, 10-20 sets)
4- Repeat 1-3 but decrease rest periods
5- Add complexity by creating compound lifts:
Military Press → Clean + Press → Clean + Press + Front Squat

5 Things Training College Athletes taught me about getting STRONG & LEAN with Kettlebells - YouTube

Most people think that they need to lift heavy all the time in order to get stronger.
This is simply not true. If you train at near-maximums or maximums all the time, you will burn out, get weaker, and most likely get injured.

5 Things Training College Athletes taught me about getting STRONG & LEAN with Kettlebells - Part 2 - YouTube

That means every Swing… every Snatch… every Clean… Push Press… Jerk…
Is performed with MAX POWER - as fast as possible. In most cases, you’ll want to use “lighter” kettlebells, something between 25-35% of your bodyweight. (I think the real numbers are 26-32%, but who’s counting?) For most people, the KB you can Press for a 5RM is usually the one you can do most of your Swings with.

PART 3 - 5 Things Training College Athletes taught me about getting STRONG & LEAN with Kettlebells - YouTube

1- Stop your set(s) when your speed drops
2- Rest longer between sets - go by heart rate or nasal breathing
3- Add more high quality sets (if necessary) instead of “pushing” or “grinding out” garbage reps.

5 Things Training College Athletes taught me about Getting STRONG & LEAN with kettlebells, Part - 4- YouTube

1- Train relatively heavy - Low reps, higher load
2- Lift Explosively
3- Manage / Mitigate Fatigue
In fact, I was recently on a Zoom call with a gentleman from Italy, and we were reviewing his Press technique. Within about 25 minutes, he took his old 1RM Double KB Press and turned it into a 3RM.

Kettlebell Technique Tips - YouTube

Remember the “3 H’s”.
Head, Hips, and Hands.
1- Head.
2- Hips.
3- Hands.

Getting STRONG & LEAN with kettlebells, Part 5 - YouTube

“Rest your shoulder, Julie. Stop doing those isolation exercises, because they’re not helping.”
“We need to make the rest of your body do the work it’s supposed to, instead of your shoulder doing all the work.” So, Julie and I worked on her core, specifically rotational work, and her hips, specifically lunge variations.

Is it possible you can make “Faster GAINZ”? - YouTube

OPTION 1: Alternate traditional KB / Strength & Conditioning work with Active Recovery / Restoration work.
OPTION 2:Use a 3-day cycle - Strength, Conditioning, Restoration. Repeat.
OPTION 3:Use shorter - 15 to 20 workouts, 5 to 6 days a week.
OPTION 4: Strength train 3x week, walk 2-3x week, on alternate days.
OPTION 5: Train different biomotor abilities / outcomes on each day, for Ex: Power, Strength, Hypertrophy, Anaerobic Conditioning, Aerobic Conditioning.