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Updated by Nadia Cohn Jeppesen on Jun 19, 2014
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Sustainability in local societies

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The Danish food revolution

How the Danes went local, sustainable, and DIY In September 2004, a group of Danish chefs hung up their aprons and gathered around a meeting table in Copenhagen for an 18-hour brainstorming session. Their aim was ambitious: to create an indigenous Scandinavian cuisine to rival that of Italy or France.

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Organic food

Organic farmers and food producers grow and produce food without using synthetic chemicals such as pesticides and artificial fertilisers. They do not use genetically modified (GM) components or expose food to irradiation. Animal welfare and environmental sustainability are important issues for organic farmers. The term 'organic' can also cover animal products.

Denmark the most climate-friendly country

Denmark is currently the most climate-friendly country the world, with the most efficient policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent climate-change. This is the verdict of the United Nations' Climate Change Performance Index 2013. Denmark achieves 72.61 points out of a possible 100 points for its climate efforts.

Danish Sustainable Events Initiative | Sustainability initiatives across Denmark for the EU2012 Presidency and beyond.

Copenhagen, January 28th and 29th 2014 The European Sustainable Events Conference (ESEC) hosted annually by the Green Meetings Industry Council (GMIC), brings together professionals from all corners of the meetings and events industry - planners, suppliers, service providers, and destination [...]

Sustainable projects

To lead a green and sustainable lifestyle can be many different things. In Denmark a lot of people strive to create a better environment by developing new and greener ways of living, greener transportation, town planning, industry, etc.

Denmark eco-friendly community

Uploaded by Xinhua Copenhagen on 2012-05-18.

The secret Life of Things SUSTAINABILITY animation -- Life Pscycle-ology

The secret Life of Things first animation -- 'Life Pscycle-ology' a humorous look at the life story of an unhappy mobile phone, who seeks therapy after his owner dumps him in favour of a new model. Free learning resources available at

Making Sustainability Mainstream: Parvez Ahmed at TEDxRiversideAvondale

The concept of sustainability has become a key driver of innovation and competitiveness. As the Director of the newly established Center for Sustainable Business Practices at UNF, nobody appreciates this more than Parvez Ahmed. In his presentation, we will learn about the roots of sustainability, what it means in terms of both education and business best practices, and what we can expect in the future.