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Updated by Nyla on Dec 20, 2024
Nyla Nyla
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Dis-track-ted? Get your life on track with these 5 habits!

A list of habits that one must follow in order to get ahead in life. This list is based on the book "5 Killer Habits: Be A Rebel" by Sree Krishna Seelam.


Arise, Awake & Kickass

Arise, Awake & Kickass

The race with the rising sun is to be won. Wake up early and tell yourselves positive affirmations and surround yourself with things you love or even people you love. The human brain tends to tire out as the day goes on, hence, it is advisable to take all the important decisions in the morning itself.


Be A Hero

Be A Hero

Volunteering fosters spiritual satisfaction and spreads joy through a humanistic approach to life. Finding purpose in life is a direct anchor to longevity. In a fast-paced, material world, stop and appreciate the nuance of life spiritually, which will in turn give a finer euphoria.


Become A Dromomaniac

Become A Dromomaniac

Solo trips cultivate physical and mental independence along with valuable cultural exchange. Travelling is tedious, but hidden in it are hardships and fear, which one eventually learns to overcome. Travelling is not only an escape; it is a revelation about oneself or even those around. It opens the door to a more objective truth.


Live A Hundred Lives

Live A Hundred Lives

Reading helps a person develop critical thinking and is the food for thought. Literature mutates with the generation—it is a reflection of the present. Consuming books, no matter whether they are fiction or nonfiction, is never wasted; if non-fiction circulates hard facts and experiences, then fiction births social cognition. An avid reader knows to understand and accept that people have different preferences, thus reducing the spread of hatred.


Stay Curious

Stay Curious

Asking “why”; questions must be targeted at the intentions, not the actions. Common sense is an endangered species in the face of blind faith. Curiosity raises questions; questions whet the knife that cuts down the threads of irrationality. Some cults wiped out whole groups of people because they believed blindly in the words that were fed to them.