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Updated by Julie Henriksen on Jun 25, 2023
Headline for Le Creuset Mini Cocotte Recipes
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Le Creuset Mini Cocotte Recipes

If you think Le Creuset mini cocottes are super cute and want to find some recipes, here is a list for you!

The Le Creuset mini cocotte recipes are a little hard to find, so feel free to add some if you know any!


Individual Apple Pies in Le Creuset Mini Cocottes

I always loved the beauty of individually served appetizers and desserts, such as french onion soup, chocolate souffle, mini apple pies and chicken pot pies. Beautifully presented in colorful mini-cocottes, these delicious foods are made all the more appetizing.

Green Chile Casserole

Another fun recipe that I found in my mom's 1960 recipe file is called "Corn Custard Mexicana". I decided to try baking this recipe in my Le Creuset mini cocottes. I love experimenting with these old recipes! We like our food picante, so I added about 1-1/2 teaspoons chile powder (or I would suggest to taste).

Chicken Pot Pie

Enjoy this wholesome Chicken Pot Pie served in our mini cocotte. This recipe serves 4 people so why not treat yourself or a loved one to our special limited edition set of 4 flame cocottes.

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'oignon)

French Onion Soup (Soupe à l'oignon) Time flies. I can't believe we are at the end of September! I start to see the leaves on the trees turn yellow, the weather starts to get a bit chilly and uncertain. My skin is telling me I need to start putting more moisturiser than usual.

Fancy 4-Cheese Mac & Cheese

Confession: I'm in LOVE with my Le Creuset Round Cocottes. My sister, d @Atelier Mejiku (go check out her graphic design services) is staying with us and she felt like having mac & cheese last night. Off she went to get fancy cheeses and wa la!

Le Creuset rhymes with soufflé.

Where is everybody lately? Have you all still not recovered from the holidays, 'cause like I said on Facebook: you're awfully quiet & dare I say... boring. I haven't been feeling the love lately as much as usual. Are you all okay? Are you still in food coma's?

Mini Simnel Cake

A moist little fruit cake baked with a layer of golden marzipan in the centre and finished with a toasted marzipan topping. The Simnel cake dates back to medieval times when traditionally it was baked as a gift for Mothering Sunday. Following the rules of lent the cake was kept and not eaten until Easter.

Mac & Four Cheese Gratin with Truffle Oil in Le Creuset's Mini Cocottes

I've been eyeing these beauties for years--these Le Creuset mini cocottes in red. (These are the enameled iron one's, not the pottery versions). Perhaps I've been drawn to these beauties because of their diminutive size, or maybe it's because of their name--cocotte. You do know what a cocotte is, right?

Ravioli Gratins with Goat Cheese and Basil Pistou

My in-laws gave me an awesome present for my 29th birthday: Le Creuset Mini Cocottes. If you know me well, you'll know that I'm much (much) to cheap to ever buy anything that nice for myself, so it was an extra sweet birthday gift!

Vegan Sausage and Butter Bean Winter Cocottes

This recipe is my current favorite cold weather comfort recipe, and it came together by accident. It started with a sale on Le Creuset* mini cocottes, loosely translated as "tiny and adorable cast iron baking pot". "Cocotte" is also an old-timey word for "high-class prostitute", and when these pots come out of the oven, you'll feel like a cooking pimp.

Cocotte of rainy days - Oeuf cocotte with endives and morbier cheese

I made these oeufs cocotte while I was back in France last June, the days were long, day light lasted until 10:30 pm. I love the month of June, it's the longest and the most exciting of all the months where people have not left on vacation yet, unlike July or August when most large Northern cities are empty, everyone goes dans le midi !

Mini Cottage Pie with Curry

When the meat is cooked, remove the mini cocottes from the oven and remove the lids using an oven glove. Add a layer of mashed potato on the top and sprinkle with chopped parsley.