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Updated by Vijay Kaushik on Dec 04, 2024
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ESD Anti-Static Technology

Protect your sensitive electronic instruments from yourself!! Yes, its right. Your own static charge (which generates from walking, rubbing against a surface) can destroy sensitive and precious instruments!

ESD Products

To control the dangerous effects of ESD on electronic products and the industry, specialized products are designed which absorbs charges like cotton absorbs water. They then discharge the charges towards earth. This makes the environment Anti-Static or Free from unwanted charges.


Logo of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

Logo of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

This logo describes the term ESD (Electro-Static Discharge) which is a phenomenon when two charged bodies becomes so much charged that they no longer be able to hold their charge and release it in the form of electricity. Lightning is the best example of ESD.

Causes & Effect of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

Introduction to Causes and Effect of Electrostatic Discharge This article is a continuation of the previous Basic Static Electricity and Electrostatic Discharge article. This time we will outline a brief analysis of what of the common root causes analysis, effect, impact or danger of electrostatic discharge (ESD) on various sectors.

Electrostatic discharge - Wikipedia

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is a sudden and momentary flow of electric current between two differently-charged objects when brought close together or when the dielectric between them breaks down, often creating a visible spark associated with the static electricity between the objects.


ESD Destroying Electronics

ESD Destroying Electronics

ESD Flooring

ESD Flooring

ESD Flooring is covering the floor with ESD Flooring products like Mats or Tiles. These flooring products spread the electric charge evenly on their surface decreasing the effect. Then the charges are grounded.


ESD (Electro Static Discharge) by a Van De Graaff Generator

ESD (Electro Static Discharge) by a Van De Graaff Generator

A Van De Graaff Generator is an instrument which generates electric charge on a body at such an extent that at some time it will discharge itself by Electric Streak. This is an experimental demonstration of ESD.

Learn how to use ESD wrist Strap for connect your body to the ground. Any charges formed will be easily grounded by this wrist strap

Don't mess with it | Tasers

Handheld device that incapacitates by transmitting a 50,000-volt electric shock. These equipments are used by police to counter thieves and suspects of crime. When its electrodes touch the body and the current is released, the body freezes. Due to this, the person is unable to do anything.
This gadget is very useful for women for their safety.

How can Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) be Controlled? | FYI

Know about ESD phenomena, the way they are created and their advantages and disadvantages. How can they be controlled.
ESD Wrist Strap is the best item if someone cannot afford ESD flooring and furniture. Else, connect every apparatus with grounding.