Listly by The Punarvasu
Punarvasu brings you the essence of Ayurveda through a range of natural and authentic Ayurvedic products. With a commitment to holistic well-being, and The Punarvasu blends traditional wisdom with modern science to deliver products that promote health and balance. Embrace the healing power of Ayurveda with Punarvasu, enhancing your journey towards a healthier and more harmonious life."
The Punarvasu online ayurvedic store offers products for skincare, womancare, mancare, haircare, diabetes care and many more...
अनिद्रा सहित विभिन्न मानसकि विकारों का निवारण करने के लिए मानसमित्र वटक के फायदे अनेक हैं। यह औषधि मन को शांत करती है, चिंता कम करती है, और त्रिदोषों को संतुलित करती है जिससे नींद की समस्याओं में राहत मिलती है।
Mahanarayan Oil is a traditional Ayurvedic blend renowned for its therapeutic properties. Formulated with potent herbs like Ashwagandha and Bala, it provides relief from joint pain, muscle soreness,…
nilibhringadi tailam is a traditional Ayurvedic oil renowned for promoting healthy hair growth and scalp nourishment. Enriched with potent herbs, it strengthens hair follicles, reduces dandruff, and…
phal ghrit is a revered Ayurvedic formulation known for its nourishing and revitalizing properties. Enriched with herbs and ghee, it supports overall health, enhances digestion, and boosts immunity.…
Panchtikta Ghrita is a celebrated Ayurvedic ghee known for its therapeutic benefits. Formulated with five bitter herbs, it supports detoxification, enhances digestion, and promotes skin health. Ideal…
Phala Ghrit is a potent Ayurvedic formulation known for supporting women's reproductive health. Made from clarified butter infused with medicinal herbs, it helps enhance fertility, balances hormones, and promotes overall wellness. Regular use of Phala Ghrit can aid in managing menstrual disorders and boost vitality, offering natural care for reproductive health
Brahmi Oil is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy known for its calming and rejuvenating properties. Infused with Brahmi, it supports mental clarity, reduces stress, and promotes restful sleep. Regular sc…
Brahmi Vati is a powerful Ayurvedic supplement known for enhancing cognitive function and mental clarity. Made with Brahmi, it helps improve memory, concentration, and focus while reducing stress and anxiety. Brahmi Vati is an excellent choice for those looking to support brain health and overall mental wellness naturally.
Mahanarayan Oil is a trusted Ayurvedic remedy for relieving joint pain, muscle stiffness, and inflammation. Enriched with potent herbs, this oil promotes flexibility and strengthens muscles and bones. Regular massage with Mahanarayan Oil can help alleviate conditions like arthritis and improve mobility, providing natural relief from pain and discomfort.
The Punravsu’s Brahmi Vati Gold is a premium Ayurvedic formulation crafted to enhance both mind and body wellness. Infused with Brahmi and other potent herbs, it supports mental clarity, improves memory, and reduces stress. Ideal for those seeking cognitive strength and balanced health, Brahmi Vati Gold promotes calm and focus naturally.
क्या आपने कभी खाँसी, कफ, और सर्दी ज़ुकाम की आयुर्वेदिक दवा चुनने पर विचार किया है? बसंत मालती रस समय की कसौटी पे सफल होने वाली एक आयुर्वेदिक औषधि है जो खाँसी और सर्दी के इलाज में अपनी प्रभावशीलता के लिए सुप्रसिध्ध है।
Manasmitra Vatakam is an Ayurvedic medicine for depression, anxiety, and stress that can boost mental health.
The Punarvasu online ayurvedic store offers products for skincare, womancare, mancare, haircare, diabetes care and many more...
The Punarvasu company offers Nilibhringadi Kera Taila, a premium Ayurvedic oil known for promoting hair growth and improving scalp health. Enriched with natural ingredients, this oil nourishes and strengthens hair, reducing dandruff and promoting shine. Trust The Punarvasu for authentic, high-quality Ayurvedic solutions for your hair care needs.
The Punarvasu company offers Nilibhringadi Tailam, a traditional Ayurvedic oil designed to promote healthy hair growth and nourish the scalp. Enriched with natural herbs, it helps prevent hair fall, reduces dandruff, and enhances hair texture. Trust The Punarvasu for authentic, high-quality Nilibhringadi Tailam for natural hair care.
The Punarvasu online ayurvedic store offers products for skincare, womancare, mancare, haircare, diabetes care and many more...
The Punarvasu company offers Gandharva Haritaki Tablet, an Ayurvedic remedy known for its detoxifying and digestive benefits. This powerful tablet supports healthy digestion, promotes bowel regularit…
Brihatvat Chintamani Rasa is use as medicine for uric acid and aslo useful in Rheumatic Disorders, paralysis, Nervous Diseases,normal Gout.
Introducing Makardhwaj Rasa by The Punarvasu is know as best rejuvenation ayurvedic medicine also useful in Aphrodisiac, energizer,Sex Tonic and General Tonic.
The Punarvasu company offers Chandanbala Lakshadi Oil, a renowned Ayurvedic oil known for its soothing and healing properties. Ideal for relieving muscle and joint pain, it helps reduce inflammation…
Experience the benefits of Phala Ghrit, an ayurvedic medicine for gynae problems and acts on Sterility, Gynecological problems, hormone fluctuations, habitual abortion etc
The Punarvasu company offers Panchtikta Ghrita, a traditional Ayurvedic formulation known for its detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties. This herbal remedy helps balance doshas, especially pitta and kapha, and supports skin health and digestion. Trust The Punarvasu for high-quality, authentic Panchtikta Ghrita to enhance your overall wellness and vitality.
Discover Swas Kas Chintamani Rasa by Punarvasu for effective Ayurvedic treatment of cough. also Get relief from acute and chronic cough with our Ayurvedic tablets.
The Punarvasu company offers Brahmi Vati, an Ayurvedic supplement known for its cognitive and mental health benefits. It helps improve memory, concentration, and reduce stress. Rich in natural herbs,…
The Punarvasu was established in 1931 and is the second oldest company to provide good-quality Ayurvedic medicines to general public at affordable rates in India.