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Updated by theretinacenter on Dec 30, 2024
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The Retina Centre

Our team, our efforts, time and expertise, all are dedicated to deliver the best possible care to the eyes of our patients.




Every glance in the mirror offers either glass charm or contact lens fit. This very easily taken-looking decision builds self-image and mental health so differently. We label and tag wearing glasses as a ‘nerd’ and ‘intellectuality’ and wearing a contact lens as being ‘free’ and ‘confident.’ Unveil these choices that build a deeper connection between vision and mental well-being.

Benefits of Contact Lenses for Athletes

In the realm of athletes, optimal vision plays a crucial role. It doesn’t take rocket science to understand how vision and athletic performance are closely linked. From racing down the tracks to scanning fields, unimpeded vision can distinguish between victory and defeat. Glasses were once the standard solution for vision correction, but evolving times have introduced contact lenses with multiple benefits for athletes.

Relation of Humidity and Dry Eye

Humidity plays a role in the development of Dry Eye Syndrome.

– Humidity refers to the amount of moisture present in the air.

– Dry Eye symptoms include discomfort, redness, and a burning sensation.

– Reason for Dry Eyes: The disease occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears or the tears evaporate quickly.

– Generally, in dry environments with low humidity, the moisture in our tears can evaporate more rapidly, exacerbating dry eye symptoms.

Screen Scream? Get Lenses for the Digital Dream

In this tech-savvy age, screen engagement is the central hub of our daily operations. Whether working on the computer, watching TV, or scrolling through phones, all these activities augment our time in front of screens. The results? discomfort, dryness, and blurred vision. Luckily, we are gifted with contact lenses tailored for screen users as a practical solution.

What You Should Know About Pinguecula and Pterygium

Awareness is the key to maintaining proper eye health. Keeping that thought in mind, today, we will bring light to two widespread yet often misunderstood conditions: Pinguecula and Pterygium. These conditions affect the ocular surface, vision, and comfort, even though both are different.

The Retina Centre's Squint Surgery Excellence - The Retina Centre

The chances of being affected by squint or strabismus are almost 2-4% including Guwahati. Early detection and treatment are beneficial for good outcome. With advanced surgical techniques, the rate reached up to 90%. Regarding eye care in Guwahati, The Retina Centre stands firm as a symbol of trust and early recovery, especially in squint eye surgery. Here is why it stands still among other trusted names.

Vision Restored: FAQs on Corneal Disorder Treatment - The Retina Centre

Corneal disorders hamper the cornea; the sheer top surface of the eyes i.e. tear film which rub cornea hydrated. Conditions like keratitis, corneal dystrophies, and keratoconus lead to blurred vision, pain, and discomfort.

Affordable Corneal Transplantation: Guwahati Hospitals to Look for

Corneal transplantation is often required for a person suffering from conditions like corneal scarring, dystrophies, or infections in their eye. In case you are looking to get your vision back with affordable corneal transplantation then you need to approach an eye care hospital located in Guwahati.

Everything You Need to Know About LASIK Eye Surgery in Guwahati - The Retina Centre

Tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses? There’s a permanent solution that could bring the smile back to your face! In Guwahati, more people are choosing LASIK surgery to improve their vision and reduce dependence on corrective eyewear.

Winter and Your Eyes: The Veiled Dangers of Pterygium in Guwahati

I have been feeling rather itchy in my eyes for quite some time now. Particularly when I am out during the day time, maybe it’s the winter air, I thought to myself. Though, right now, I think it’s more than that.