Felix Hospital, derived from the Latin words for "lucky" and "happy," is committed to exceptional healthcare. Established by distinguished doctors, it offers high-quality, personalized care in consultation, diagnostics, pharmacy, and surgery.
Felix Hospital is one of the Best Hospital for Oral Cancer Treatment in Noida. We have world class oncologist. Book an Appointment Call Now: 9667064100.
Felix Hospital is one of the Best Hospital for Lung Cancer Treatment in Noida. We have world class Oncologist. Book an Appointment Call Now:9667064100.
Dr. Jagatjot Singh Gill is a proficient and committed Gastroenterologist with over 16+ years of extensive experience in the field. Book your appointment at t +919667064100.
Meet Dr. Piyush Kumar Singh, Noida's leading Orthopedic, Knee, Hip & Joint Replacement Surgeon, with 14 years of expertise. Contact: 9667064100 to book appointment.
Felix Hospital is an Ultra-Modern Hospital, designed to meet international standards. It is well equipped to
provide a full range of in-patient and out-patient services.