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Updated by billy roberts on Nov 06, 2013
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Australian Unlisted Property Trusts

Centuria Capital

Centuria Capital is an ASX-listed diversified funds manager with $2 billion in funds under management. We offer a diverse range of investment opportunities - from tax-effective investment bonds to unlisted property funds.

Australian Property Investment Firm | Sentinel Property Group

Sentinel Property Group is a premier Australian property investment firm. Our expertise & experience helps clients find profitable investment.

Funds - Charter Hall

The Charter Hall Diversified Property Fund (DPF) is an unlisted property fund that invests in quality assets across the office, retail and industrial sectors throughout Australia. DPF is now proceeding with an orderly termination and wind up and is in the process of selling the funds remaining assets.

Direct Property Fund

The Fund offers investors exposure to each of Cromwell's direct unlisted property trusts. The initial investment portfolio gives exposure to 6 properties and provides a monthly tax advantaged income stream1 and capital growth potential2 . Strategy The Fund will invest directly, or through unlisted property trusts, in non-residential Australian property with a primary focus on commercial, industrial and retail property.

About Aspen Group - Property Investors | Funds Managers

Aspen Group is an ASX listed property investor and funds manager, focused on acquiring quality property assets and creating and managing innovative property funds and syndicates.

Rural Funds Management

RFM is one of the oldest and most experienced agricultural funds management organisations in Australia. Our focus is to deliver returns to investors generated from quality management of Australian farmland and rural infrastructure. We are proud of the expertise we have developed over the past sixteen years managing assets on behalf of retail and institutional investors.




We own high quality property, creating office and retail spaces that meet the changing needs of our tenants and maintain our properties at optimal operating standards. Founded in 1994 as an unlisted property trust by four leading industry superannuation funds, we have grown to be owned by 21 superannuation funds and like-minded organisations.

Property Investment | Property Investing | AMP Capital Australia | AMP Capital

AMP Capital is one of the largest wholesale property fund managers in Australia and New Zealand and a global top 20 real estate investment manager**. We have property specialists and expertise located in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Europe and North America to provide professional property investment advice and property investment management.