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Updated by Jessica Ramirez on Jul 25, 2024
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10 Quick Mental Health Quizzes

''We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat,
"or you wouldn’t have come here.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


Narcissism Test

How narcissistic are you?
Constantly craving attention and admiration, narcissistic individuals believe they are superior to others. While self-esteem and confidence are healthy, severe narcissism may tip into a personality disorder. Take this test to learn where you fall on thenarcissism spectrum.

How Controlling Are You?

?Can you go with the flow?
People differ in their desire to control the world around them; some are easygoing and flexible while others are domineering and rigid—which may harm their well-being and relationships. Take this test to see where you fall on the spectrum.

Emotional Stability Test

How emotionally stable are you?
People high in the Big 5 trait known as emotional stability easily cope with stress and bounce back from setbacks. Those on the other end of the scale are more likely to disproportionately react to challenges with negative emotions, a personality trait known as neuroticism.

Anger Management Test

Do anger issues get the best of me?
Everyone experiences occasional bouts of frustration, anger, and even rage. The ability to recognize and control anger issues when they emerge is a key skill for healthy functioning in relationships, work, and life. Take this test to learn if you manage anger. effectively.

Perfectionism Test

Are you a perfectionist?
Striving for excellence in all that you do is a worthy goal. Adaptive perfectionists set ambitious goals, work hard to achieve them, and are rewarded with personal growth. Yet some people eschew excellence in favor of perfection, holding themselves to impossibly high standards and feeling worthless when they are unable to measure up. Are you OCD or do you let things slide?

Psychopathy Test

Do you show signs of psychopathy?
Psychopathy is a personality trait characterized by a lack of empathy, blunted emotions, and manipulative, callous behavior; someone high in psychopathy may be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, a related condition. Take this test to see where you fall on the psychopathy spectrum.

Shopaholic Test

Are you always complaining that you have nothing to wear, but your closet is jam-packed full of clothes for every occasion? Do you have an overabundance of gadgets, gizmos, knickknacks and home decor? Or worse yet, do you buy items and then forget about them, only to find them under your bed with the price tags still on? If you answered "yes" to any one of these questions, you may just be a "shopaholic." This shopaholic test can help you determine if you.

Sensuality Test

Sensuality is, in essence, how in tune you are with your senses. Do you notice smells, textures, sounds? How sensual you are plays a key role not only in your sex life but in your overall ability to derive pleasure from life as a whole. Find out what the use of your senses implies about your world and love with this sensuality test.

Driving Personality Test

A person's personality can have a significant impact on his or her driving style. This test will assess driving knowledge, attitude toward road rules and other drivers, and certain personality traits that can mean the different between safe and reckless driving.

Charisma / Charismatic Test

Are you charismatic?
A charismatic person can take the temperature of a room, and then command and energize it. Some characteristics of charisma include a genuine interest in others, emotional awareness, confidence, humility, and strong communication skills. See where you fall on this charisma scale.

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