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Updated by Wittegen Press on Jan 12, 2015
Headline for FB3X Drabble Cascade #33 - word of the week is 'halloween'
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FB3X Drabble Cascade #33 - word of the week is 'halloween'

Welcome to FB3X Drabble Cascade #33 (opened 29th October 2013). Be inspired by our word of the week, ‘halloween’, and write us a 100 word piece, or a flash (500 words or less), fiction, non-fiction, poetry, fanfiction. Then add yourself to our list. You can also embed this list into your own post using the embed functionality (the chain graphic).


Four Drabbles for Halloween (Harry Potter, Avengers, Teen Wolf, Sherlock)

Here are 4 drabbles in 4 different fandoms for Halloween. Title: Trolls Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Harry/Draco Rating: PG No matter what, at Halloween, Harry always thinks of trolls. A troll is not something you forget and it was his first real memory of Halloween. Of course there are other...

The Chosen One (M/M, R)

Brad looked up and down the beach, checking for signs of others. There was no one to be seen. He quickly pulled off his clothes, the moon's light reflecting off his pale white skin, then ran into the water.

An Endless Walk (soft horror)

Author: charisstoma
Word count: 100
Prompt: Halloween

grins I need a rating system for horror. Anybody?

Info Post: Drabble Cascade #33 - word of the week is 'halloween'

Our word of the week prompt is ' halloween'. To see this week's entries check out the list at the bottom of this post. We put it behind a cut so it doesn't clog up your scrolling. A drabble is a work of 100 words exactly.