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Updated by Geoff Neupert on Dec 20, 2024
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Kettlebell Workouts

Kettlebell Technique Tips - Remember the “3 H’s”…

Kettlebell STRONG!
Do you ever wonder who the most powerful athletes on the planet are?
Or the most powerful strength athletes?
A lot of people think it’s powerlifters - those who squat, bench, and deadlift.
And while many of them are incredibly strong, their sport - Powerlifting - is incorrectly named.
It should be called “Forcelifting” or “Strengthlifting.”

Is it possible you can make “Faster GAINZ” if you use kettlebells every day?

OPTION 1: Alternate traditional KB / Strength & Conditioning work with Active Recovery / Restoration work.
OPTION 2: Use a 3-day cycle - Strength, Conditioning, Restoration. Repeat.
OPTION 3: Use shorter - 15 to 20 workouts, 5 to 6 days a week.
OPTION 4: Strength train 3x week, walk 2-3x week, on alternate days.
OPTION 5: Train different biomotor abilities / outcomes on each day, for Ex: Power, Strength, Hypertrophy, Anaerobic Conditioning, Aerobic Conditioning

How To Get Older Without Aging (So Much)...?

If you want to slow down the aging process and be more like Chris than Dan, you’ll want to focus on the “3 M’s” -
1- Mobility
2- Muscle
3- Metabolism
Remember: YOU get to choose how you live the backside of your life - your silver and golden years.
You can live them in pain, with routine and unwanted doctor’s visits, spending your hard-earned and hard-saved money on copays and prescription drugs…

I’m embarrassed to admit this… but here goes…

Now I don’t share any of this to brag, but rather for 2 simple reasons:
1- If a guy like me, with my injury and insomnia history, can get in this kind of shape at 51, anyone with a little “stick-to-it-ness” can too.
And more importantly…
2- I’m demonstrating to my children, especially my son, that men can and should be lean, healthy and strong.
Unfortunately, we now live in a society that focuses on being “body positive” and showing “body acceptance.”

Simplest way to get rid of “jelly belly”...?

If you want to get rid of “Jelly Belly”... or that “spare tire”...
Here’s where you can check out the program.

Kettlebell Workout Misconceptions: “I’m too advanced for that”

If you don’t... Or you don’t want to take the time or energy to figure out all the details of watching your Press numbers go up in your training log, while seeing more muscle definition in the mirror...
Go here:
And if your pants are too tight in the waist, and you want them to feel loose again?
Go here:

How to get a bigger upper body without getting a fatter waist…

The “secret” to maintaining your upper body “gainz” while stripping off that “waste” on your waist?
It’s 3-fold:

1- Ramp up your muscle-building hormones - Testosterone and Growth Hormone (naturally, of course) through your food, your training, and your recovery
2- Focus on increasing your MAXIMUM strength
3- Focus on increasing your ANAEROBIC conditioning

Tighten Your Belt By A Notch In The Next 3 Weeks Using “Just” Kettlebells?

The GHFL programming is designed to create a Growth Hormone (GH) response inside your body, which research has proven burns off stomach fat. Thus making you have to tighten your belt. :)
Furthermore, the research also reports that this happens independent of diet.
So you don’t “have to eat less” to see results.

Are you “Hardcore” (Greg is. He stripped 3 inches from his waist in 30 days.)

If you’re “hardcore,” and want “hardcore” fat burning results like Greg, then you should follow in his footsteps and use the “hardcore” program he used - this one.
It’s seriously hardcore and not for the faint of heart.
If you’re hardcore and ready to punch new holes in your belt with bigger and more defined shoulders and arms, then use the same program Greg did - this one.
Kettlebell Burn EXTREME!

How to build bigger arms & shoulders AND lose stomach fat at the same time using kettlebells?

So, get rid of both - stomach fat and higher-than-normal circulating cortisol levels - by doing the following:
[+] Get 7+ hours of sleep per night
[+] Shorten your training duration - 30 minutes is plenty for most guys. 45 minutes max.
[+] Watch your training frequency - 3 days is best for busy, stressed out family guys
[+] Get enough protein - which aids in rebuilding your muscle and the entire recovery process

What to do if you’re stuck in paralysis analysis about program choice...?

The simplest way I’ve found to get “unstuck,” is to ask yourself:
“What is my #1 goal? What is it that’s THE most important to me?”
Then pick the program that best meets that goal, based upon:
1. Your technical prowess using kettlebells
2. Your accessibility to kettlebells
3. Your injury history
4. Your training history
5. Your schedule
6. Your stress levels
7. Your willingness to make any necessary changes

Don’t see much difference on the scale or the tape from your kettlebell workouts Here’s why…

[+] Learn to use Supportive Nutrition - eating the right foods to create a fat-burning environment inside your body
[+] Challenge yourself to work harder (if / when you need to)
[+] Rest when you’re supposed to rest (if you work harder than you have been, this part will be easy)

Kettlebell Swing Vs. Kettlebell Snatch Which Is Better For… (Part 307)

Just like King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, said, “There is a time for everything…”
There is a time in every kettlebell-hoisting trainee’s life for Swings.
Every. Single. One. Of. Us.
No exceptions.
And that time is when you’re first learning how to use the KB.
And that’s because the Swing is the fundamental exercise to teach you / us how to effectively use our bodies to hoist said kettlebells.

“This [kettlebell] workout is without doubt, the most challenging workout I've ever done…”

Especially if your goal is to see more muscle definition and peel fat off at the same time.
In a response to the last email I sent out, “Swing vs. Snatch: Which is BETTER for…? (Part 307)”...
“J-Man,” a 60-year old from sunny South Florida wrote in informing me that my “Snatch Ladder” program

10 Ways To Burn More Fat With Your Kettlebell Swings (AND Improve Your “Cardio”)

Sometimes you need “basic” and “simple.”
But don’t be fooled - neither word necessarily means “easy”.
And nothing in the KB world defines those two words better than the Swing.
Especially if you don’t know how to Snatch, or you’re nursing / recovering from an injury that prohibits you from going overhead with the Press or the Snatch.

How to get bigger arms using kettlebells (AND drop some bulge the middle)

Cleans and Snatches for the biceps (front of the arm) and forearms.
Presses for the triceps (back of the arm).
Especially for high volume.
And especially if you’re not used to doing those exercises either for higher volume or doing them at all. Holding the KBs in the rack position for the Front Squat also works the arms.
Same with the Goblet Squat.

Single Kettlebell or Double Kettlebell Workouts - Which creates faster fat loss

Full length “how to” video series on Clean and Jerk
I was recently reading a forum thread on losing fat using kettlebells.
The discussion was about the “best fat loss workouts” with kettlebells.
The OP was asking for advice and one of the comments was from someone who thought double kettlebell work was superior to single kettlebell work for faster fat loss.

Here’s why SINGLE Kettlebell Workouts COULD be better for fat loss…

Especially when you use the right set, rep, and rest schemes to -
[a] Stimulate muscle mass growth
[b] Stimulate (stomach) fat loss
I’m not saying I’m “sold” that this research “proves” that single kettlebellwork is better than double kettlebellwork for you to lose fat. BUT -
It does explain why some people experience better or faster fat loss using single kettlebell programs vs. double kettlebell programs, even though the “external” load is less.

True or False You Can’t Outwork a Bad Diet”

Unfortunately, scientific research and most experience tell us that for most people - yes, it’s true, you can't outwork a bad diet.
Three Reasons:
1- Effort level
2- Food compensation
3- Workout Duration

Should the Turkish Get Up be a prerequisite to the Clean + Press…
  1. Where your shoulder “lives” in relation to the ground and your body
  2. Mobilizes your shoulder, restoring lost ranges of motion like full shoulder flexion (putting your arm straight over your head
  3. Where to finish your Military Press (a.k.a. The Overhead Lockout position)
  4. Strengthen your rotator cuffs - the most commonly injured shoulder muscles, especially in the over-40 crowd. (SIDE NOTE: You DO NOT want to tear one of these bad boys. Doing so will set you back usually 12 to 18 months of rehab.)
The #1 Thing Missing From Most Kettlebell Programs? - YouTube

I recently had a realization that when I look at modern kettlebell workouts and programs, there’s something missing from most of them.
And yeah, even including some of mine.
But before we get to that, here’s what got me thinking about it…
I’ve read multiple forum posts and received multiple emails from guys either saying they had to stop training because of or asking what to do about injuries.

How I almost blew out my back (again) - Doing MOBILITY work - YouTube

For your lower back, all you needed to do was some thoracic spine mobility, 4-way hip circles, and 3 to 4 specialized foot mobility drills.
BAM! - Simple!
For your painful shoulders?
Also some thoracic spine mobility, 4-way hip circles, and 3 to 4 specialized foot mobility drills. And probably some shoulder camshafts in a pain-free range of motion.