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Updated by Christine DeGraff on Jan 12, 2015
Headline for Helpouts on Google Plus
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Helpouts on Google Plus

Helpouts is a new way to connect people who need help with people who can give help, over live video, anytime, anywhere. It will be launching very soon according to Google. Here are some of the people who will be available to help on Google+.

Note: Please only add yourself if you have actually been approved.


Neil Ferree - About - Google+

Social Shares is the New SEO Having a Social Link Wheel that connects and compliments your top Social Media Profiles you can build your Social Influence and Authority Download Social Media Audit 2013 from My GDrive Compare Social SEO vs Conventional SEO and you'll notice your social engagements will grow in number and you conversion rate will be greater running a Social SEO campaign READ: Is Social Shares the New SEO ?

Mikey Borup - About - Google+

Mikey Borup - After Effects Guru - YouTube Marketing - Motion graphic artist, After Effects Guru, and YouTube marketing Dude - After Effects Tutorials - Rexburg Idaho - I am a After Effects and video production professional, motion graphics artist and all around great guy. I also do YouTube Marketing

todd lebeauc - About - Google+

muddling my way through (my) life, choices, thoughts, opinions, mistakes, successes and lessons.

Robert M. Woods - About - Google+

Robert M. Woods - Professor of Humane Letters - Great Books Honors College - Millbrook, AL 36054 - Macedon, NY 14502 - Tallahassee, FL 32301

Al Navas - About - Google+

Chief Technology Officer, Hermes Global . Google #Glass #Explorer. My application for the # glassexplorer. program c an be seen here . Social Media Consultant Freelance Interpreter. See my Interpreter Page on Google+ .

Kim Beasley - About - Google+

Kim Beasley - Google Top Contributor - Social Media Strategist - Kim Beasley - Social Media Strategist, Google+ Hangouts Producer, Broadcast Consultant, News Special Correspondent, WordPress Web Designer & Development - KimLive.TV - Kansas City, MO - University of Phoenix - WELCOME TO MY WORLD!

Jeff Bond - About - Google+

i run a small business ... therefore a small business runs me!!!

Michael Banks - About - Google+

Michael Banks - Google+ Top Contributor (TC) - Soldier - United States Army - Augusta, Georgia - Georgia Regents University - My Life Is Split 3 Ways into 3 Passions: A Geek, A Soldier, and A Photographer I have a lot passions and a wide range of interests from social media to programming and Everything Google.

Raphael "Speedy" Ndem - About - Google+

Interests & Hobbies Active (Basketball) Always with Headphones (Sony/Sennheiser) Android & Ubuntu Linux (Windows as plan B) Biomedical Science Clinical Chemistry Haematology Immunology Gaming (Android, PS3 & PC) Life Sciences & Technology Music & Sound Engineering Listening - Hip hop, R&B, Soundtracks Mixing - Virtual DJ (Windows) & Mixxx (Linux)

Ryan Moore - About - Google+

I'm me, and I'm the only one who can say that. Piper, androider, community partnership enhancer I "curate" (not sure if I like that wording) information for several other pages, check them out to get the full posting experience, whereas this stream will be a good mix of all.

Ev Eric - About - Google+

P90X Certified Coach Martial Arts Expert with black belts in Teukgong Moosool (특공무술) and Tae Kwon Do Opera Singer Illusionist Award Winning Guitar Player Web Designer/Developer Actor Video and Motion Graphics Producer Database Administrator Fitness. Nutrition. Empowerment. Operation: Conquer . I am a P90X Certified Coach.

pio dal cin - Google+

pio dal cin - Taking photos is part of my life. Writing I love to do. I admire Art in all its forms . Passion is the key to happiness - - - I spent the last thirty years of my life taking pictures,following stories from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the Venetian Movie Festivals.

Oliver Jordan - About - Google+

Introduction If you would like to leverage the expertise of an successful athlete, but also someone who understands training, giving great husband and daddy advice and also can deliver a nice recipe that will make your stomach smile then feel free to reach out to me at .

Mark Traphagen - About - Google+

Mark Traphagen - Social Media | Google+ | Content Marketing - Director of Digital Outreach at Virante - Director of Digital Outreach: Social Media Marketing - Google+ Marketing - Content Marketing - SEO - Organic Link Building - Virante Inc.

Larry Fournillier - About - Google+

Larry Fournillier - Flavoring the World, One Pot at a Time - Private Chef / Hangouts On Air(HOA) Presenter / HOA Producer - Island Cuisine - Longmont, Colorado - I'm extremely easy-going and have an insatiable appetite for knowledge.

Shaun McLane - About - Google+

Some suggested circles you can put me in: Photography Orlando Fitness Tech / Android / Gadgets Early Adopters Auburn Alumni Bloggers Entrepreneurs Swimming Pool Pros Musicians DCI Nut I'm a closet geek, and a native Floridian. I own a pool cleaning company in Orlando, but have worked most of my life as a licensed financial planner and a real estate broker.

Brian Mosley - About - Google+

I bake several times a week and once a week I scout interesting local places. Together these hobbies have morphed into a great interest in blogging and photography. I do this with just the help of my Nexus 4, Nexus 7, and Samsung Chromebook.

Luis Cortes - About - Google+

Proud Father of 2 and husband to the best wife a man could ask for. I am now in my 40's & like to be spontaneous and have fun. My passion is Android, mobile, desktop & custom watercooled builds. I love music, films, food & wine.

Laurie DesAutels - About - Google+

Laurie DesAutels - Ubergeek living and loving LIFE! - Career Consultant, Beta Tester - Blueprint Resources - Houston, Texas - Never Stop Networking! I think "Outside the Box" and have always stayed on the cutting edge of new technology, Social Media websites, etc.