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Updated by Geoff Neupert on Sep 06, 2024
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YouTube Channel by Master Geoff Neupert

Geoff Neupert reveals the secrets to getting the fastest results possible with Kettlebell Workouts.

Follow a Kettlebell Plan and Keep a training Journal

There are 3 reasons - or areas we need to examine:
The simplest ways to get results from training is to:

[1] Follow A Plan/Program (Professionally Designed)
[2] Keep a Training Journal
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Prioritize Protein

The #1 BIGGEST PROBLEM with nutrition is the concept of DIETING.
The key to get off the “Dieting Merry-go-round,” is to identify the behaviors, the lifestyle choices that contribute to fat accumulation, and replace them with behaviors that encourage the body to burn more fat for fuel.
The simplest way to do this is to PRIORITIZE PROTEIN.
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Perform 100 deep diaphragmatic breaths and get 7+ hours of sleep

The easiest thing to do to de-stress is lie on the floor before bed and perform 100 deep diaphragmatic breaths. Another way is to actually get 7+ hours of sleep.
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To Build Muscle you need more than 10 sets per muscle group per week

And the range is as wide as 10 to 45 sets, depending on the muscle group.
The larger the number of sets, the more days you should train.
Rep ranges were all over the place: 1-6, 8-12, and as high as 30.
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To Build Conditioning Use EMOM/OTM training, with low reps, like 5-10 reps OTM

To Build Conditioning: Instead of training to near exhaustion on every set, with short, seemingly non-existent rest periods, there’s been a transition toward high-power, luxurious rest period based training.
Examples are EMOM/OTM training, with low reps, like 5-10 reps OTM.
Total number of sets are between 10 and 30, sometimes as high as 40 to 60.
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3 Ideas to Maximizing Kettlebell Workout Efficiency

[1] Pick one exercise, do it 3x week.
[2] Pick two exercises, and alternate your training session between them.
[3] Pick 3 exercises and do one each training day of the week.
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The Double Kettlebell Clean and Press is The "One-Stop-Shop"

The Double Kettlebell Clean and Press works the shoulders, arms, upper back, upper pecs, Abs, Hips/glutes, hamstrings, calves (posterior chain for increased athleticism), Quads, Heart and lungs.
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How to Mix Kettlebell Work with Barbell Work?

How to Mix Kettlebell Work with Barbell Work? My program "Bolt On Bundle" will show You How.
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I stopped in Sedona on my way to the "Programming Demystified" workshop by Strongfirst

I stopped in Sedona on my way to the "Programming Demystified" workshop by Strongfirst. Both were Awesome! Have you been to Sedona yet? Did you like it? Comment below
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This is How I Train: (Kettlebless, Barbell and Bodyweight)

This is How I Train:
Day 1: Barbell Oly lifts, Front Squat, Abs
Day 2: Front Squat, Double KB Clean + Press (L), Abs
Day 3: Ring Dips + Chins
Day Off.
Repeat cycle, but next Double KB Clean + Press is Heavy.
I end up training 4 to 6 days a week, based on energy levels and time.
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How to Travel with Your Kettlebells without Damaging Your Car?

Put a towel down on your seat. Put the Kettlebells on top of the towel and lock the Kettlebells with the Seat Belt.
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How to Use Kettlebells to Efficiently Work Your Legs - PART 1 - The 4 Leg Workout Categories

How to Use Kettlebells to Efficiently Work Your Legs.
PART 1 - The 4 Leg Workout Categories.
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How to Use Kettlebells to Efficiently Work Your Legs - PART 2 - Workout Examples for Each Category

How to Use Kettlebells to Efficiently Work Your Legs.
PART 2 - Workout Examples for the 4 Leg Workout Categories.
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Lift Heavy (For You) - 3 Steps to Lose fat AND Get Stronger with Kettlebells

3 Steps to Stripping off body fat AND Getting Stronger at the same time using kettlebells
STEP 1: Lift Heavy (For You).**
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Lift As Explosively As Possible - 3 Steps to Lose fat AND Get Stronger with Kettlebells

3 Steps to Stripping off body fat AND Getting Stronger at the same time using kettlebells
STEP 2: Lift As Explosively As Possible.
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3 Reasons Some Guys Don't Get DOMS (Soreness) After Doing Kettlebell Clean and Presses

Several guys have reported getting huge pumps in their legs and DOMS - Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness - after doing “just” Clean + Presses.
Why some can feel their legs and others can’t I can only guess.
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Donnie Thompson, first powerlifter to total 3000lbs, says Double Kettlebell Front Squats is "Enough"

And Donnie Thompson, first powerlifter to total 3000lbs, would routinely do Double KB Front Squats - paused - if I remember correctly - for 3 sets of 8 with a pair of 40kgs. He said it was “enough” for him.
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Kettlebells Workouts ELIMINATE Most of the Need to do “Traditional Fitness” Exercises

One of the reasons we use kettlebells is because doing so ELIMINATES most of the need to do all the other “traditional fitness” exercises.
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Is “Direct Back Work” Missing from Your Kettlebell Training? - PART 1

“Do I need to direct back work like rows or face pulls with [NAME OF KETTLEBELL PROGRAM] or am I getting enough work from doing [NAME OF KETTLEBELL EXERCISE(S)]?” - PART 1
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Is “Direct Back Work” Missing from Your Kettlebell Training? - PART 2

“Do I need to direct back work like rows or face pulls with [NAME OF KETTLEBELL PROGRAM] or am I getting enough work from doing [NAME OF KETTLEBELL EXERCISE(S)]?” - PART 2
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Should You Add Rows To Your Kettlebell Routine?

“Do I need to direct back work like rows or face pulls with [NAME OF KETTLEBELL PROGRAM] or am I getting enough work from doing [NAME OF KETTLEBELL EXERCISE(S)]?” - PART 3
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Here’s what I’d do to fix Pain, Mobility, and Experience issues so I could Clean + Press - PART 1

1 - You have little to no kettlebell training experience, and haven’t wrapped your mind around the Swing and the Turkish Get Up
2 - You have active shoulder, elbow, or wrist pain
3 - You don’t know how to Clean the KB without banging your wrists or shoulders (or both)
4 - You have active knee pain
5 - You have restricted shoulder ranges of motion - specifically, putting your arm straight over your head

Solid Workout Plan That Keeps Progressing…?

If you’re looking for a KB training plan that’s progressive, has variety, and builds your “consistency muscle” while practically guaranteeing you see and feel measurable results…
This one will take you through all 5 levels of kettlebell training - including some simple bodyweight exercises - so your mind and body never get bored.
Check it out here:

Here’s what I’d do to fix Pain, Mobility, and Experience issues so I could Clean + Press - PART 2

Here’s what I’d do to fix Pain, Mobility, and Experience issues so I could Clean + Press.
#2 - Spend some time refining your basic kettlebell technique with the 3 Level 1 kettlebell exercises: The Swing, TGU, and Goblet Squat.
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Here’s what I’d do to fix Pain, Mobility, and Experience issues so I could Clean + Press - PART 3

Here’s what I’d do to fix Pain, Mobility, and Experience issues so I could Clean + Press.
#3 - Assuming you actually want to use the Clean + Press, then get on a solid Clean + Press program.
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