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Updated by Anastasia Smith on Jun 05, 2024
Headline for Penang Street Food Delights - A Culinary Adventure
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Penang Street Food Delights - A Culinary Adventure

Penang, an idyllic island paradise in Malaysia, offers more than just stunning scenery thanks to its rich cultural heritage and colonial architecture. With a vibrant street food scene that tempts the senses, it's a haven for the daring foodie.


Char Koay Teow at Siam Road Charcoal Char Kuey Teow

Watch the culinary magic happen at Siam Road Charcoal Char Kuey Teow as flat rice noodles are stir-fried with a symphony of ingredients. A secret sauce mixture, fishcake, bean sprouts and prawns dance in the flaming wok, perfumed with the smoky scent of charcoal. A delicious sauce drenches each perfectly cooked noodle, creating a delightful textural contrast between the crisp vegetables and the springy noodles. Char Koay Teow is five minutes away if you are lodging at a hotel in Penang Georgetown such as the well-known The George Penang by The Crest Collection.


Penang White Curry Mee at Hot Bowl White Curry Mee

Go to Hot Bowl White Curry Mee for a reassuring and hearty meal. In this dish, rich and creamy white curry broth is served with springy, thick yellow noodles. The white curry has a distinct scent that comes from fish bones and spices like lemongrass and turmeric, unlike its yellow curry counterpart. The savoury depth of the noodles and the additions—tender chicken slices, fishcake, prawns, and a dollop of prawn paste for an extra umami boost—perfectly balance the broth's subtle sweetness.


Cendol at Penang Road Famous Teochew Chendol

Penang Road Famous Teochew Chendol serves refreshing bowls of Cendol to cool you down after a spicy exploration. This famous treat consists of colourful green rice flour jelly noodles floating in a shaved ice and fragrant coconut milk pool. The aroma of pandan leaves is subtly floral, and palm sugar syrup gives it a hint of sweetness. The show-stopper? Huge portions of red beans are concealed within this cold mixture, providing a delightful textural contrast and a burst of sweetness.


Penang White Coffee at OO Coffee

Penang has a thriving food scene that goes beyond sweets. At OO Coffee, start your day with a cup of the famous Penang White Coffee. In contrast to its Western counterparts, this unusual brew uses sugar and butter combined with roasted coffee beans to create a smooth, creamy texture and a distinct caramel-like aroma. Because of the special roasting method, the coffee is less acidic, which makes it ideal for people with sensitive stomachs.


Durian at 2 Acres Cafe in Balik Pulau

Visit Balik Pulau's 2 Acres Cafe, a haven for lovers of durian. This spicy fruit has a strong, sometimes contentious scent. The creamy flesh, on the other hand, offers an explosion of flavour to those who can withstand the smell. It is commonly described as a complex blend of sweet, savoury, and slightly bitter notes. This unusual fruit has an additional layer of decadence due to its rich and creamy texture.


Duck Koay Chap at Kimberley Street Duck Kway Chap

Visit Kimberley Street Duck Kway Chap to savour the finest version of this hearty dish. Rich, flavorful broth enhanced with star anise and other spices, braised eggs, and salted vegetables are served with tender duck meat that has been braised. "Koay Chap," a term for the flat rice noodles that are typically served with the duck, is where the dish gets its name.