Listly by activist 360
"New Religion" by Bill Madden from the album "New Religion". Artwork by Kasia Haldas. CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Directed by Niti.
Big Think is a global forum connecting thought leaders and ideas on a variety of topics. is a product of The Consortium for Independent Journalism, Inc., a non-profit organization, and provides investigative reporting.
Aljazeera provides news, analysis from the Middle East & worldwide, multimedia & interactives, opinions, documentaries, podcasts, long reads and broadcast schedule.
News, breaking news, analysis and original content about US and world politics.
American Free Press provides news and information outside of the news covered by Big Media companies in the US and around the globe.
Investigating the PR industry and politics, CMD's PRWatch reports on ALEC, the Koch brothers, Scott Walker, education, the environment, and other social issues.
CORRECT!V researches the threats and challenges our society faces, abuses of power and corruption in politics, business, sports and culture, topics such as environment, education, health and social justice as well as right-wing and religious extremism.