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Updated by 70005604 on Jan 20, 2015
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best high chair for 2 year old

Best Dining Booster Seats | Alpha Mom
When Mazzy turned two, she started to complain about her high chair. We responded by letting her sit in a regular chair which meant she was either on her knees or standing on the chair during meals. In retrospect, this seems like a very bad idea if you'd like to develop good habits- like sitting still at the dinner table.
Feeding Toddlers from 2 to 3 Years Old
By the time toddlers are well into their twos, they pretty much eat what everyone else is eating. Watch out - this is the time bad habits can form. Children at this age are so independent, they want to be the one to decide what's for mealtime.
Toddlers Food - Eating Problems - Feeding Baby -
Toddlers are notoriously fussy eaters. As they get older, toddlers develop strong opinions about what is on their plate (and where it is on their plate).
Baby High Chairs | eBay
Visit eBay for great deals in Baby High Chairs. Shop eBay!