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Updated by 70005604 on Feb 01, 2015
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best way to cook flat iron steak

What is a Flat Iron Steak? Getting Meaty
To have a look at exactly which part of the cow a Flat Iron steak comes from check out the Of Meat & Men Vid below. To cook flat iron steak it is relatively the same as most other steaks. Get yourself a good griddle pan or BBQ and away you go.
The Best Way to Cook Patio Steaks
Patio steaks are cuts of beef that originate from the shoulder blade area. They also are commonly referred to as "flat iron steaks" of "flank steaks." This cut of meat is popular because it is relatively inexpensive and flavorful. The best way to cook patio steaks is to employ methods that will maximize the steaks' tenderness and natural flavors....
How to carve a flat iron steak | eHow UK
How to Carve a Flat Iron Steak. Flat iron steak, also known as a flat blade, top chuck steak or a butler steak, is a cut of beef taken from above the shoulder bone of a cow. Commonly a thin cut, a flat iron tastes the best when grilled, pan seared or broiled rare to medium.