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Updated by 70005604 on Feb 27, 2015
70005604 70005604
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best sewing machine for 7 year old

How to Thread a Sewing Machine

How to Thread a Sewing Machine. So you've found a great sewing project and you dug out Grandma's old sewing machine, but now what? For new sewing machine users, threading the machine can seem daunting, and even put you off the task of...

Best $200 Sewing Machine ? - Homesteading Today

Im looking at purchasing a sewing machine for my girl and I dlike to get her a good one in the $200 range. She looked at and drooled all over a Singer

Vintage Sewing Machines

One of the most common questions asked of sewing machine enthusiasts is, "What is my old sewing machine worth?" Vintage sewing machines are valued much like vintage automobiles. Just saying you have an 1891 Singer sewing machine is not enough to establish the value.

your first sewing machine

Advice on getting your first sewing machine is something that gets asked a lot and is awfully hard to answer. I certainly don't want to encourage somebody to buy a machine that they end up leaving in a closet, or worse, one that does not work very well and only leads to frustration and more expense.