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Updated by Svilena Belcheva on Apr 30, 2024
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8 Tips For A Smooth Dormitory Move

Embarking on your university journey is an exhilarating experience, and the anticipation of moving into your new residence, be it a dorm or a shared house, should only add to the excitement. To ensure a smooth transition and steer clear of the common pitfalls, we've compiled a comprehensive guide. By arming yourself with these tips, you can look forward to a stress-free move, ready to embrace the adventure that awaits.


Be an early bird, get settled, and conquer the semester

Be an early bird, get settled, and conquer the semester

Many dorms or student housing let you move in a week or two before classes. Don't wait! Here's why getting there early is a win:

  • No last-minute scrambling before lectures.
  • Explore your new space, get familiar with the area, and bond with your flatmates.
  • Early arrival means you can grab any forgotten essentials before classes begin.

Don't lose your deposit – inventory check time

Don't lose your deposit – inventory check time

Most dorms or student housing will give you a document called an "inventory." This isn't bedtime reading – it details the condition of your place, like any existing paint nicks or that awesome new kitchen setup. It protects both you and your landlord, so even though unpacking might be calling your name, take a quick look!


Turn your dorm room into a homey haven

Turn your dorm room into a homey haven

Sure, student housing might be a bit bland, but that doesn't mean you can't personalize it. Forget major renovations (no paint jobs here!), but focus on the little things that make it comfy and "you." Fairy lights, throw pillows, posters, and wall hangings – these are your decorating besties. Don't forget the power of greenery (real or faux) to add life to your space. Plus, a plush throw for the sofa and some fresh bedsheets can seriously up the comfort factor.


Upgrade to a stress-free move

Upgrade to a stress-free move

Tight on space or dreading multiple trips? Consider a dormitory move company. They'll collect your belongings and deliver them directly to your university accommodation whenever you choose. This lets you travel comfortably and skip the packing Tetris, all while ensuring your stuff arrives safely. Just unpack and get settled in!


Label like a boss

Label like a boss

Unpacking is way easier when you can find what you need. Label all your boxes and bags clearly. This lets you put everything in the right room at your new place and means you won't be digging through piles to find essentials like sheets, snacks, or that precious roll of toilet paper.


Pack smart, not heavy!

Pack smart, not heavy!

Student dorms are cozy, and you'll likely be moving again soon. Resist the urge to pack your whole life. Lots of students make this mistake and end up with mountains of stuff in a tiny space. Think about what you'll truly use. See if your flatmates are bringing some. Start with essentials like clothes, textbooks, a laptop, and some kitchen basics.


Roommate chat time

Roommate chat time

Whether you know your flatmates yet or not, reach out and discuss who's bringing what. This is a double win: you avoid appliance overload (seriously, three toasters?) and get to know your new crew! Figure out who's bringing essentials like the iron, toaster, or giant baking trays. You don't all need duplicates, saving space and cash. Plus, it's a great way to break the ice and start building friendships before move-in day.


See what comes with the place

See what comes with the place

Don't double up on stuff! Many dorms and student housing options already include some furniture and appliances. To avoid buying things you don't need (hello, three kettles!), check what's included beforehand. Contact the housing office letting agent or browse the university website. You might find they already have essentials like kettles, microwaves, and ovens covered! But remember, this can vary, so checking first is key.