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Updated by Augustine Casseus on Jan 30, 2015
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Tricia Hendren Itasca Consulting Group

Itasca is a global, employee-owned, engineering consulting and software firm, working primarily with the geomechanics, hydrogeological and microseismics communities. We solve problems in many industries including mining, civil engineering, oil & gas, manufacturing and power generation.

Tricia Hendren Itasca Consulting Group

As editor of Itasca's software manuals, Ms. Hendren maintains a high level of consistency and accuracy both within each manual, and across the entire range of manuals for Itasca’s codes.

About Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.

Itasca is a global, employee-owned, engineering consulting and software firm, working primarily with the geomechanics, hydrogeological and microseismics communities. We solve problems in many industries including mining, civil engineering, oil & gas, manufacturing and power generation.

Itasca Consulting Group / 111 Third Avenue South, Suite 450 / Minneapolis, MN 55401
Phone: (612) 371-4711 / Fax: (612) 371-4717 / Email: ICG@ITASCACG.COM