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Updated by zhemsworth0033 on Apr 18, 2024
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7 Signs You Need A Denture Replacement or Repair

Dentures are essential dental appliances for many people, providing functionality and aesthetics for those with missing teeth. However, like any dental prosthetic, dentures require maintenance and occasional replacement to ensure they continue to serve their purpose effectively. Knowing when it's time for a denture replacement or repair is crucial for maintaining oral health and overall well-being. If you need professional Dentist you can visit Merivale Denture Clinic.

Here are seven signs to watch out for:

Broken Dentures

Handle and store dentures with care to prevent damage. Always remove them over water or towels to cushion any falls. Store them in a sealed container away from children and pets, as animals are attracted to the scent and may chew on them, causing irreparable damage. Prevention is crucial for maintaining dentures' longevity.

Cracked Dentures

If you notice visible cracks, chips, or fractures in your dentures, it's a clear indication that they need repair or replacement. Even minor damage can worsen over time and compromise the integrity of the denture, leading to discomfort and potential oral health issues.

Difficulty Chewing

One of the primary functions of dentures is to facilitate chewing and eating. If you experience difficulty chewing or find that your dentures no longer fit properly when eating certain foods, it may be a sign that they need adjustment or replacement. Ill-fitting dentures can cause discomfort and even lead to digestive problems if not addressed promptly.

General Discomfort

Dentures should fit comfortably in your mouth without causing any pain or irritation. If you experience persistent discomfort, soreness, or ulcers in your gums, cheeks, or tongue while wearing dentures, it could indicate that they no longer fit properly. In such cases, consulting your dentist for adjustment or replacement is essential to prevent further discomfort and potential oral health issues.

Changed Facial Appearance

As we age, facial changes are inevitable, even for denture wearers. Over time, gums and bone shape alters, affecting denture fit and facial support. Sagging tissue, wrinkles, and lost lip definition indicate the need for denture replacement. Implant-supported dentures are recommended to maintain facial structure by reducing bone resorption, preserving a youthful appearance.

Loose or Slipping Dentures

Over time, changes in the shape of your jawbone and gums can cause dentures to become loose or wobbly. If you notice that your dentures no longer fit snugly and securely in your mouth, it's a sign that they may need adjustment or replacement. Loose dentures can cause discomfort, difficulty eating and speaking, and increase the risk of oral infections.

Bad Breath

Regular denture cleaning is crucial to prevent bad breath. Persistent odor may signal issues like stains or tartar buildup due to cracks or voids in the denture. Dentists can address this with ultrasonic cleaning and repairs, ensuring fresher breath and improved oral health.