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Updated by Mavrick Wolfstien on Apr 17, 2024
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5 Things To Learn About Mental Health First Aid

Mental health first aid is as crucial as physical first aid in today's world, where mental health issues are increasingly prevalent. Just as we learn CPR to assist someone experiencing a heart attack, learning mental health first aid equips us to support individuals in emotional distress or experiencing a mental health crisis. If you need professional Health Instructor you can visit Your First Aid Trainer

Here are seven essential things to understand about mental health first aid:

Gain a better understanding of different mental illness

Learn to recognize common risk factors and signs of mental disorders like anxiety, depression, substance abuse, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Understanding these cues is the first step toward seeking help. While only professionals can diagnose, you can be trained to notice changes in mood, behavior, habits, and personality that may indicate developing mental health issues.

Know how to de-escalate a mental crisis

Managing a mental health crisis demands skill and calm. Mental health first aid training enhances communication, including verbal and nonverbal cues like body language. Role-play activities in training teach reassurance and respect, vital in crisis intervention.

Common signs and symptoms of mental illness

During training, participants will learn to identify common signs and symptoms of mental health issues. For example, depression may present as low energy, disrupted sleep, appetite changes, headaches, and loss of interest. Behavioral signs include crying spells, social withdrawal, and decreased motivation.

Learn coping techniques

Self-care and coping strategies are essential tools in managing stress and mental health challenges. By embracing these practices, individuals boost resilience and maintain calmness in the face of adversity. Proactively utilizing these techniques helps address symptoms before they become overwhelming, fostering a more balanced and empowered approach to life.

Practice life-saving acronym – ALGEE

In mental health first aid training, one key takeaway is the ALGEE procedure:

A – Assess for risk of harm or suicide.
L – Listen non-judgmentally.
G – Give information and reassurance.
E – Encourage professional help (if needed).
E – Empower self-help.

Similar to physical first aid techniques like RICE or DRSABCD, ALGEE offers a structured approach for providing support to those in mental distress.