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Updated by 70005604 on Apr 07, 2015
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best heartburn medicine for pregnant women

Are Antacids Safe to Take During Pregnancy?

Heartburn is one of the most common complaints amongst pregnant women. It can be very discomforting, but whether taking antacids when you are pregnant is safe, is a question that troubles most first-timers. So, are antacids safe to take during pregnancy? The answer to that question would be, YES, if taken only as prescribed.

Treating Common Ailments During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, there are some common ailments many women experience. Nausea or "morning sickness" is common; 50-90% of women may have nausea during a normal, healthy pregnancy. There is not one remedy that will work for everyone. Nausea is worse when a person is tired, so get plenty of rest.

BabyNature Digesto-K | Natural Remedy for Heartburn, Acid Reflux and Digestive Discomfort in Pregnancy

To prevent digestive problems common in the third trimester such as acid reflux and indigestion To safely relieve heartburn and other digestive complaints For soothing the entire digestive system and preventing upsets To act as a digestive tonic and prevent difficulties with constipation and hemorrhoids Safe for use during pregnancy!

Pregnancy & Heartburn | Mylanta

One cause of acid indigestion symptoms during pregnancy results from the placenta's enhanced production of the hormone progesterone. The increase in progesterone levels works to relax the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). When the LES relaxes, stomach acid enters the esophagus and may cause the symptoms of heartburn.