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Updated by Matthew A. Dolman on Jun 30, 2024
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Mass Torts

We have compiled content on the subject of mass torts as a resource for consumers. Pharmaceutical companies and corporate manufacturers continue to churn out drugs and devices that pose an extreme risk to consumers. Large companies such as Bayer and Monsanto (Roundup), Sanofi (Zantac) and 3M (AFFF Fire Fighting Foam) often ignore science and manipulate date in an effort to maximize profits without a single care for the safety of consumers and service workers such as firefighters. Our goal is to hold corporate wrongdoers responsible for their negligence and the resulting damages they have caused.

If you need further information, do not hesitate to call the Florida Mass Tort Lawyers of Dolman Law Group at: (727) 451-6900


Mirena IUD News
There are a lot of women coming forward about their complications with the Mirena IUD. Many of these women are bringing lawsuits, against Bayer, the corporation that manufactures and markets Mirena IUD products. A recent example is a Kentucky woman that is bringing suit alleging that her Mirena IUD migrated and perforated her uterus.
Dangers of Mirena Cannot be Understated
The Affordable Healthcare Act, also commonly referred to as Obamacare, is a highly debated political issue. However, regardless of one's political stance on the issue, there is no questioning this is going to make Healthcare more affordable.
Mirena IUD lawsuit attorney | Mirena IUD Lawsuits
Have you or a loved one been implanted with a Mirena IUD? If so, the first thing you need to do is seek medical attention. The next thing you should do is contact an experienced Mirena IUD lawsuit attorney.
Is Mirena IUD too Dangerous to Prescribe?
Bayer AG is a German chemical and pharmaceutical company founded in 1863. It is headquartered in Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany and well known for its original brand of aspirin. According to the company's investor website, Bayer generated revenues approaching 40 million Euro in 2012 alone. Controversy is nothing new to Bayer.
Mirena Users And Their Day In Court: Updates on the Mirena IUD Cases
Mirena is a form of birth control that is an intrauterine device (IUD). In other words, it's a T shaped device that a healthcare provider inserts into a patient's uterus. You may have seen the commercials that appeared as part of an aggressive marketing campaign that began in 2000.
Mirena IUD Claims, Florida Mesothelioma Lawyer, Mesothelioma Claim | Mirena IUD Lawsuits
Matthew Dolman is a legal advocate for individuals who have suffered bodily harm as a result of negligent actions exhibited by an individual or corporation. Matthew is a proven fighter for the injured and has earned recognition from his peers and clients alike as a result of past successes.
Dangerous Drug Lawyers, Lawyer for Mirena IUD, Danger of Mirena IUD | Mirena IUD Lawsuits
What is Mirena? Mirena, is FDA approved, and it is an intrauterine contraceptive system, more commonly known as an IUD. Mirena is manufactured by Bayer. An IUD functions as a contraceptive by making the uterus produce white blood cells and prostaglandins. This makes the uterus a hostile environment for sperm.
Is Mirena IUD A Defective Medical Device?
Mirena Mirena is a contraceptive device designed to be inserted into the uterus by a physician, where it stays implanted for up to five years. Approved by the FDA in 2000, Mirena quickly gained popularity as a contraceptive device due to the convenience of not being forced to think about daily or even monthly contraceptives, [...]
The Risks of Mirena IUD Draws Greater Scrutiny
The Mirena IUD, manufactured by Bayer, is a popular contraceptive device used by more than 2 million women in the United States. However, its use has proven to be a great risk as more than 70,000 women have reported complications with the device. More than 1,000 of those complaints have included charges that the device [...]
The Detrimental Effects of the Mirena IUD
In 2000 the FDA approved an intra uterine device (IUD) that was produced and marketed under the name Mirena by the Bayer Pharmaceutical Company. It was designed to be vaginally inserted into the uterus by the user. Once in place it released hormones that would cause mucous to thicken on the uterine walls to inhibit [...]
Mirena IUD Lawsuits: Settlements on the Horizon
Dolman Law Group represents individuals who are pursuing a Mirena injury case over complications caused by the Intrauterine Device (IUD), which could potentially perforate the uterus, migrate to other body parts, cause infection or other problems which require surgery to remove the IUD. Several initial claims for Mirena injuries were filed against Bayer in 2011.
Mirena IUD Claims - Mirena IUD Lawsuits | Mirena IUD Lawsuits
Mirena IUD and Frequently Asked Questions on the Topic.
Stories from the Women Suing Bayer

Many articles have been published recently about the lawsuits regarding the Mirena IUD, and most focus on Bayer and their accountability. We at Dolman Law Group wanted to take a moment to give a glimpse of a few of the brave women who are fighting for their just compensation against Bayer.

Defective Medications and Bad Drugs

Defective Medications and Bad Drugs Consumers typically place a high level of trust and faith in their physicians. When your physician prescribes a drug, it is common to trust such a recommendation without thinking twice. In fact, a belief that the physician has your best medical interests at heart is generally the reason why [...]

I-Team: Birth Control Device Causing Serious Injuries

Karen Anderson Karen Anderson is an I-Team Investigative Reporter, as well as an Emm... BOSTON (CBS) - Women have a lot more birth control options today than they did 20 years ago; some even reduce the symptoms and duration of a woman's period.

Thousands of women complain about dangerous complications from Mirena IUD birth control

CLEVELAND - An exclusive NewsChannel5 investigation has uncovered concerns about the safety of a popular form of birth control. There are currently 2 million women using the Mirena intrauterine device (IUD). NewsChannel5 investigators obtained complaint records from the Food and Drug Administration. They show there have been 70,072 complaints about the Mirena IUD since 2000.


An Investigation on Mirena Weight Gain Issues

n medical field, there are various preventive measures to pregnancy or birth control method. One of the methods is the use of intrauterine device (IUD) which is made specifically for women to stabilize their womb (uterine). According to reviews, Mirena is a very effective IUD. It is T- shaped and acts as a good contraceptive. Users are always concerned about the later effect; leading to a bit of weight gain just like other contraceptives.
How Does Mirena Work?
Mirena releases certain amount of hormone (progestin) known as levonorgestrel into the system to mainly prevent pregnancy. It demands that you properly and carefully insert the device within the uterus. This device releases about 20 micrograms of levonorgestrel every day, which can work for up to five years duration.
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Bayer Monsanto Merger Comes With Weedkiller Cancer Controversy -

Roundup Lawsuits Cost New Monsanto Owner Millions
Multinational pharmaceutical and life sciences company Bayer has suffered the loss of millions of dollars in the form of payments of lawsuits against their acquisition Monsanto. The Germany-based company has acquired Monsanto fairly recently after proposing the action in 2016 and now is realizing that the choice to buy Monsanto is coming with unseen consequences in the form of the recent Roundup weedkiller lawsuits against the massive agricultural company. Several product liability lawsuits against Monsanto claimed that long-term exposure to Roundup weedkiller contributed to the development of cancer in the plaintiffs.

Bayer Merger with Monsanto
Bayer AG is a German multinational pharmaceutical and life sciences company and one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. The merger with Monsanto which primarily deals in agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology came in response to the merging of several other major chemical and pharmaceutical companies such as Dow with Dupont and ChemChina with Syngenta. In an attempt to reinvent itself as a life-science firm with a focus on health and agriculture, Bayer ended up merging with Monsanto in an enormous $66 billion dollar deal.
(click on this article to learn more)

How Toxic is the World’s Most Popular Herbicide Roundup? | The Scientist Magazine®

Roundup Weedkiller Lawsuits Claim it Causes Cancer
Recently a federal jury awarded a California man more than $80 million dollars in a case that found Roundup weedkiller exposure contributed to his cancer’s development. This is actually the second time that a person has successfully sued the manufacturer of Roundup weedkiller, Monsanto, over the weedkiller’s potential to contribute to cancer development. Monsanto now faces thousands of similar cases to this and now faces even more consequences in the form of Costco now removing Roundup weedkiller from their shelves.

Currently, Costco has not made any official statements regarding their removal of Roundup from their shelves. The decision to discontinue the sale of the controversial weed killer comes none too soon with petitions being made by people such as Moms Across America founder Zen Honeycutt that call for the removal of Roundup weed killer from Costco’s shelves and have amassed more than 150,000 signatures on Various news outlets have since confirmed that Costco has stopped all locations from ordering not only Roundup but all weed killers that utilize the ingredient glyphosate which is believed to be the primary cause for the development of cancer among those exposed to the weedkiller.
(click on this article to learn more)

Costco Stops Selling Roundup Weedkiller After Controversy -

Roundup Weedkiller Lawsuits Claim it Causes Cancer
Recently a federal jury awarded a California man more than $80 million dollars in a case that found Roundup weedkiller exposure contributed to his cancer’s development. This is actually the second time that a person has successfully sued the manufacturer of Roundup weedkiller, Monsanto, over the weedkiller’s potential to contribute to cancer development. Monsanto now faces thousands of similar cases to this and now faces even more consequences in the form of Costco now removing Roundup weedkiller from their shelves.

Currently, Costco has not made any official statements regarding their removal of Roundup from their shelves. The decision to discontinue the sale of the controversial weed killer comes none too soon with petitions being made by people such as Moms Across America founder Zen Honeycutt that call for the removal of Roundup weed killer from Costco’s shelves and have amassed more than 150,000 signatures on Various news outlets have since confirmed that Costco has stopped all locations from ordering not only Roundup but all weed killers that utilize the ingredient glyphosate which is believed to be the primary cause for the development of cancer among those exposed to the weedkiller.
(click on this article to learn more)

Roundup Weedkiller Linked to Cancer Risk -

Weedkillers like Roundup are a common sight in many households and used widely to manage agriculture and landscaping. We all know these chemicals kill weeds and are likely not the best thing to expose your body directly to but lately the possible risks posed by weedkillers such as Roundup have come under scrutiny after several lawsuits have been filed claiming an ingredient in Roundup called glyphosate helped cause plaintiff’s cancer. One of these lawsuits against the manufacturer of Roundup known as Monsanto has actually managed to successfully recover compensation in the form of 80 million dollars for a man that claims to have gotten lymphatic cancer after heavy use of Roundup on his property.

Legal action has been taken against the chemical companies that make these weedkillers before. The first case was in California where Dewayne “Lee” Johnson filed a lawsuit against Monsanto who is the maker of the weedkiller known as Roundup. The lawsuit revolved around Johnson’s claims that he developed lymphatic cancer as a result of his long term exposure to Roundup while working as a groundskeeper. The trial resulted in a verdict of 289.2 million awarded to Dewayne Johnson that was later reduced to 78.5 million and Monsanto filed an appeal shortly after.
(click on this article to learn more)

FDA Warns of Deadly Side Effects with Gout Medication Uloric | New York Personal Injury Lawyer

On February 21, 2019, the FDA released a new safety communication concerning the gout medication, Uloric (febuxostat), manufactured by Takeda Pharmaceuticals. This was an update to a previous communication in which the FDA notified the public that they were evaluating Uloric for possible connections to an increased risk of heart-related death.

Uloric BottlesFollowing their investigation, the FDA determined that Uloric use increases the risk of death from all causes. As a result, they have required the manufacturer to add a high-level boxed warning to the product label to alert doctors and patients to the risk.
(click on this article to learn more)

Popular Gout Medication Uloric Linked To Increase Risk Of Death - The Ring of Fire Network

You know, every so often we get new reports coming out about yet another dangerous pharmaceutical on the market, a pharmaceutical basically that also shouldn’t exist because there’s already decent generic, cheaper alternatives available. But Big Pharma always wants to turn an additional profits. So they always keep coming out with brand new drugs to treat the same old things they’ve already been treating for 40 or 50 years.

And that’s the case with a drug called Uloric that’s been on the market now for just slightly over 10 years. And we’re starting to find out now that it has very serious cardiovascular dangers that actually might include death. Joining me now to talk about what we know about this drug Uloric, is attorney Wesley Bowden. Wes, Uloric used to treat gout.
(click on this article to learn more)

Roundup Weed Killer Lawsuit Attorneys -

Dolman Law Group is now investigating potential cases against Monsanto after their popular herbicide product, Roundup Weed Killer, has been linked to the diagnosis of cancer—specifically, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and leukemia. Our legal actions comes in the wake of other successful lawsuits against Monsanto in which the agricultural company was found to know about their product’s risk for cancer but failed to warn their consumers. If you have been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma as a result of using roundup weed killer, contact us immediately.

The two most prominent lawsuits filled against the maker of Roundup were both filed in California. In these two separate cases, one person was initially awarded $289 million and the other was awarded $80 million. Both of these plaintiffs were diagnosed with a type of cancer called non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after both individuals used Roundup weed killer for years.

If Monsanto did know about the carcinogenic effects of their product—and rather than pulling the product or changing the formula, they decided to continue to make billions of dollars off the product—then they should be held responsible. Dolman Law Group intends to hold the mega corporation Monsanto to the same standards of care that all chemicals company have when they sell a product in millions of stores to millions of consumers.
(click on this article to learn more)

What Kind of Cancer Does Zantac Cause? [ZANTAC CANCER LAWSUIT]

Zantac and ranitidine are most commonly known to be harmful in the sense that they could cause cancer. If you've taken Zantac, STOP what you're doing and read this article!