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Updated by isafesafety on Jun 28, 2024
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iSAFE Safety

‘The year is 2016’. Even though it has been almost 15 years since the iPod was released, unimaginative entrepreneurs across the UK still thought it was cool to put an ‘I’ In front of their business name. Meanwhile, two health and safety practitioners (Jack and Tim Marshall), decide that after many years of study and working as HSE professionals, they want to try their hands at setting up a consultancy. The combination of these two factors resulted in iSAFE being established.



iSAFE Safety

iSAFE Safety

In the ever-changing world of business and industry, staying on the cutting edge of safety standards is not only a commendable goal but also a strategic necessity.[Read more]

iSAFE Safety provides expert advice and assistance to organisations in improving their overall safety policies, reducing accidents, and ensuring regulatory compliance.


What does CHAS entail, and why is it important?

What does CHAS entail, and why is it important?

CHAS, known as the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme, holds significant weight in the construction sector, guaranteeing that contractors uphold fundamental health and safety criteria. [Read more]


What Practices Are Vital for Ensuring Workplace Safety?

What Practices Are Vital for Ensuring Workplace Safety?

Ensuring workplace safety is crucial for creating a secure and efficient work environment. Recognising potential risks and following safety procedures not only shield employees from harm but also protect the company's reputation and operations. Prioritising safety fosters a sense of responsibility and care among all members of the organisation. [Read more]


Why is ensuring health and safety compliance vital for your business?

Why is ensuring health and safety compliance vital for your business?

Prioritising health and safety compliance transcends mere legal obligations; it's about protecting employee welfare and mitigating organisational risks. Whether it's furnishing safe work equipment or establishing robust safety protocols, compliance is indispensable for upholding a safe work environment. [Read more]


Understanding the Fundamentals of CDM Health and Safety

Understanding the Fundamentals of CDM Health and Safety

Curious about CDM health and safety? CDM, known as Construction Design and Management, covers regulations and practices in the UK construction sector, focusing on improving worker welfare. It prioritises risk management, planning, and competency throughout construction projects. [Read more]


Is it essential for your business to meet fire risk assessment requirements?

Is it essential for your business to meet fire risk assessment requirements?

Are you cognizant of the critical significance surrounding fire risk assessment obligations for non-domestic premises? Across various jurisdictions, including the UK, conducting fire risk assessments isn't merely a best practice but a legal mandate for workplaces, shops, and similar establishments. [Read more]


Why Consider Integrating Safety Risk Assessments?

Why Consider Integrating Safety Risk Assessments?

Incorporating safety risk assessments into your organisation’s management system is essential for safeguarding workplace well-being. Through systematic identification, evaluation, and mitigation of potential hazards, you not only protect your employees and assets but also uphold your organisational integrity. [Read more]


What sets apart safety risks from hazards?

What sets apart safety risks from hazards?

In work settings, grasping the subtle disparities between safety risks and hazards is crucial to upholding employee welfare. While safety risks involve foreseeing potential harm in forthcoming events, hazards denote immediate dangers present in the environment. [Read more]


Exploring the Essential Components of Health and Safety Legislation

Exploring the Essential Components of Health and Safety Legislation

Health and safety legislation stands as a crucial framework meticulously crafted to safeguard the welfare of workers across diverse work settings. This comprehensive body of regulations and directives strives to mitigate workplace accidents, injuries, and health issues. [Read more]


Why are employee safety responsibilities crucial for a secure work environment?

Why are employee safety responsibilities crucial for a secure work environment?

Are you cognizant of the pivotal role employee safety responsibilities play in guaranteeing workplace security? Each member of an organisation plays a crucial role in upholding a safe atmosphere. Through adherence to safety protocols, prompt reporting of hazards, and active engagement in training... [Read more]


How do ISO guidelines ensure safety in the workplace?

How do ISO guidelines ensure safety in the workplace?

ISO guidelines represent a collection of globally acknowledged standards designed to offer organisations a structured framework for enhancing their health and safety protocols. Illustrated by ISO 45001, these guidelines underscore the significance of hazard identification, risk assessment, and ongoing enhancements within health and safety management systems. [Read more]


What Do Company ISO Standards Entail?

What Do Company ISO Standards Entail?

Company ISO standards serve as frameworks designed to ensure the quality, safety, and efficiency of diverse business operations. These standards involve meticulous documentation, stringent audits, and a strong commitment from senior management to uphold compliance. [Read more]


Understanding contractor management

Understanding contractor management

Contractor management entails the structured oversight of external workers engaged to perform tasks or services for an organisation. This process includes assessing contractors against safety standards, defining responsibilities and safety procedures in contractual agreements, and maintaining continuous supervision to ensure adherence. [Read more]


What do Design and Management Regulations entail?

What do Design and Management Regulations entail?

Design and Management Regulations are a set of legal obligations designed to ensure safety across construction projects. These regulations stipulate that health and safety considerations must be incorporated at every stage of a project, from its inception to its completion. [Read more]


How do health and safety inspections benefit your workplace?

How do health and safety inspections benefit your workplace?

Health and safety inspections are vital for safeguarding employee well-being and meeting regulatory standards. These inspections systematically evaluate workplace conditions, identifying potential hazards, validating safety protocols, and promoting a proactive approach to risk management. [Read more]


How important is clear risk assessment communication?

How important is clear risk assessment communication?

Clear communication of risk assessments is essential for ensuring that all stakeholders grasp and mitigate potential workplace hazards effectively. It involves delivering concise messages that simplify intricate risk assessments into actionable insights, fostering a culture centred on safety and proactive risk management. [Read more]