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Updated by 70005604 on Feb 03, 2015
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best soap to lighten black skin

10 Best Skin Whitening Products
People who are after skin lightening results look for the most effective skin bleaching product available in the market. It is important to know what ingredients it contains and how they work together to break up and reduce melanin. - Does black licorice extract/soap/etc. help lighten skin?
Best Answer To tell you the truth that here.. The generic black soap is contained hydroquinone and the real black whitening soap is contained arbutin...If they are not in proper packaging then thats a generic and if you are looking for the authentic diana stalder , you can see what it looks like here..Do not believe that there is such a black licorice soap black licorice soap that they it contained its hydroquinone..The licorice soap is in pink..I have contacted the Diana Stalder do not sell black licorice soap...
Skin Lightening in South Africa | Gumtree South Africa
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Products to Even the Tone of Black Skin
If you're a woman of color suffering from dark spots and hyperpigmentation, there are plenty of skin care products designed to even your skin tone, allowing you to always put your best face forward. Traditional lightening products contain hydroquinone, but there are gentler alternatives, such as vitamin C and kojic acid, that will also even out discoloration with minimal side effects.