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Updated by El Shepherd on Jan 29, 2015
El Shepherd El Shepherd
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How to Lose Weight Fast
How to Lose Weight Fast. If you want to lose weight, you're not alone. Almost half of all Americans are trying to lose weight at any given time. While there are many things you can do to shed...
16 Ways to Lose Weight Fast
Had it with strict diets? We found easy lifestyle tweaks that send extra pounds packing. We talked to readers who shred up to 60 pounds, just with some easy adjustments.
How To Lose Weight Fast and Safely - WebMD - Exercise, Counting Calories, and More
We've all heard that crash diets and fad diets don't work for permanent weight loss. But what about those times when you really need to lose weight fast? Follow these healthy tips.
Drop 5 Pounds in a Week
Tamara Schlesinger Cosmo has come up with a fat-torching plan that really will subtract up to 5 pounds from your bod in seven days - without starvation, bizarre supplements, or cutting out entire food groups. How? It's all about small sacrifices combined with specific techniques.