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Updated by Shijas Ahamed on Feb 26, 2024
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Digital Marketing - Latest Trends, Useful Tools, Freelancing Kit, Photography.

Everything you need to know about Digital Marketing with a touch of street photography series.



Quality Score

Quality Score

A graphical representation of how quality score is calculated. These are the 3 important factors affecting Quality Score - eCTR, Landing Page Experience and Ad Relevance.

GEO - Shijas Ahamed

Generative Engine Optimization (GEO) offers benefits such as improved content quality, enhanced user experience, and increased organic traffic to websites.

iframely: A Comprehensive Guide to Starting Your Freelance Digital Marketing Career.

Hello there, today I’m going to show you how you can learn digital marketing online for free and start making money using those skills…


As a Digital Marketing Freelancer, I have been working with many tools for my clients. Here are some of the tools that I use daily.

iframely: Digital Marketing Freelancer vs Digital Marketing Agency.

I have often received many questions like whether hiring a freelancer is better than an agency, which is hard to answer. It depends upon…

iframely: Tools I Use To Create Websites and Designs

As a freelancer, I use a lot of tools to fasten my work. Below are some of the tools that I recommend anyone who is working on websites and…

Digital Marketing Freelance in Dubai - Free Consultation

I'm Shijas Ahamed, a seasoned digital marketing freelancer with a flair for turning ordinary brands into extraordinary success stories. With five years of hands-on experience in the dynamic realm of digital marketing, I've had the privilege of partnering with diverse brands on their journey towards digital excellence.


Street Photography Series - Dubai

Street Photography Series - Dubai

From my old photography Series


Portrait Photography - Dubai Series

Portrait Photography - Dubai Series

Freelance photographer in Dubai